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Meat Shoftim: "Justice, JUSTICE, you shall pursue!"

Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
I have not quit doing patriarchy-cognizant Scripture readings and a related midrash every Sabbath. But while "pastors" that hate polygyny and twist Scripture are evidently welcome, even a link here in the Ghetto to an audio program that is explicitly Scriptural is 'verbotten.'

Because "some animals are more equal than others." And - even in the Ghetto - programs that are dedicated to exploring 'Scripture as Written,' for that reason, are "moderated" into non-existence.

As you are probably aware, I despise censorship - particularly of His Word, and especially where people have been led to believe that "iron sharpens iron."

And that is particularly true for this parsha (Scripture portion, from the annual Torah reading cycle, Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9, and related readings like Isaiah 51-52.)

It begins with the understanding of "judges," and what "righteous judgment," means. And that verse that says, "Justice, JUSTICE, you shall pursue." (Why does He repeat the Hebrew word twice?)

And my point in the midrash is that "justice, JUSTICE," is about as ANTITHETICAL to what is going on in the no-longer-united States of now-AmeriKa as is possible to imagine.

I could post links to the articles and news stories I mention. But I can't post a simple link to an audio file. And you know why. Which is why THIS parsha is so important.

But there's more in this one, too. Including a reference to that "prophet like unto Moses," Who was foretold. And my observation about why that tells us SO much about what is true, what is not, and "lies we have inherited from our fathers." Which relates directly to "justice," if you connect the dots.

If you know a bit about the web, you can find it. Or you can send me a private message, or even an email (mark@markniwot.com) and I can let you know where to find it.

And I'm happy to answer questions for those that do. Because "midrash" is what this ghetto SHOULD be about.

PS> And, NO - I do not 'profit' from doing radio shows or podcasts. I do them because I believe He has directed me to do so.
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