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Springfield retreat


Staff member
Real Person
Hi everybody, just a quick note before we get started for the day here: we had a great time of fellowship Friday night, examining some themes like how even belief in plural marriage can and DOES make you a better man, if your heart really 'gets it'. And about the 'cost' that we pay for the belief in this time and culture. Everybody's dragging in now, because we were in the room til midnight, and some took the fellowship to Steak and Shake after that. It's been great to hear the new folks stories and what God is doing in their lives.

Pray for us today, that God meets us again.

Thanks, see the rest of you in July in Tennessee!

Nathan and Doc and company
From the rest of us who just couldn't make it this time ... Aaaaaarrrrrgh!!! :lol:

Y'all be blest now, ya he-ar? ;)
To all those who were able to make it to MO this past weekend, How did it go? Did the children enjoy their time? what was the structure of the weekend? Did anyone walk away with a new perspective? What was your favorite part of the weekend? What was your least favorite? I am very excited to hear how it went! Looking forward to your thoughts :)

I enjoyed it. I liked the prayer, praise, fellowship and food. We ate out and went to Curtis's house on Sunday afternoon, and rode a zip line in his front yard. Correction.........I did not ride it, others did. Met new people as always. Missed those that couldn't make it.
We went and had a wonderful time. Really enjoyed meeting new friends and seeing some old ones as well. It was so nice spending the weekend in fellowship with all of you!
:) Kacy
Absolutely, spectacularly wonderful weekend! Fellowship with everyone, prayer, praise and worship. Great to renew old friendships and make new ones. Thanks Nathan and the board for all of the prep work. Thanks Curtis for offering your
home to us on yom reshone afternoon for more fellowship. Praise Ya for everything!

And thanks to the Abbotts and the Millers for joining with our family for the Passover meal last evening. What a blessing!

I had a great time fellowshipping on Friday. Wish I could have come back for Saturday. This is a great support group and worthwhile ministry. God bless all of you.
We had a great time at the retreat. It was so encouraging to be with other believers and not have to defend our PM beliefs! My kids thought the heated pool was the best part of the retreat!

BTW: A big thanks to all those that made the retreat happen, and thank you so much to those that helped with childcare, it was greatly appreciated!
