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Steve Lawson


Seasoned Member
Real Person
For those of you who have seen the news about Steve Lawson, you will probably have seen the YouTube videos condemning him for adultery. I haven't been able to find anything concrete about the marital state of the woman. Does anyone here have information? From references to her father threatening to expose the relationship, I'm guessing she was unlikely to have been married.

A thought that has come to my mind regarding this very public event is that it opens a door for those who know the truth about biblical marriage to make instructive comment. It is a sin to make false accusations against another. To be accusing Mr Lawson and this woman of being in adultery (if she is indeed single) is wrong, plain and simple. Therefore, those making any false accusations need to be called out and challenged.

Maybe there's an opportunity here for you @PeteR to make a video(?)
Another thought people should consider in regard to the accusations being made about Mr Lawson and the woman is what is written in Deut. 19:16-19; If a false witness rises against any man to testify against him of wrongdoing, then both men in the controversy shall stand before the Lord, before the priests and the judges who serve in those days. And the judges shall make careful inquiry, and indeed, if the witness is a false witness, who has testified falsely against his brother, then you shall do to him as he thought to have done to his brother; so you shall put away the evil from among you.

In Leviticus 20:10 we read, The man who commits adultery with another man’s wife, he who commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress, shall surely be put to death. Being a false witness and accusing a person of a sin with a penalty such as adultery has very serious consequences. If the accusations are indeed false, the people making them are in more serious trouble than Mr Lawson!