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Prayer request Super Typhoon hitting the Philippines


Seasoned Member
Real Person*
Everyone please pray for the people and animals here in the Philippines.
We are getting hit with a 'super Typhoon' and it's hitting highly populated areas.
I know many don't know but lots of people in these areas are "squatters"; basically their housing is like sheet metal nailed to some rickety wood. Their homes usually get complete destroyed in this kind of weather.
Last year we had a lesser typhoon hit and trees were uprooted and some snapped in half, etc.
Please pray for the poor people here and the animals that G-d will have mercy and send miracles.

In other news Philippines recently was ranked as the worst hit with Wuhan flu in asia, so now think about all the people cramming into government shelters. let's pray the gov't workers have the sense to take precautions for the elderly.

Hashem yirachem
Amen to all...
You got it, sir.
Praying for you and the Philippines, brother.
The people of the Philippines are in my prayers!
Thanks everyone; no fatalities from our Qehal!

Your prayers were much appreciated.
One interesting thing happened where we live. A huge branch fell on the terrace (no damage). After I hauled the thing off I realized that it was from a tree that had been blocking sun from our solar panels. The branch was hard to get trimmed because it was very high up and while it was solid and green, the branches under it were diseased and dangerous to climb. The locals call it a "paper tree" and for some reason it can't be cut down Anyway, kind of amazing that instead of all my solar panels being blown away (they are not well mounted on the roof as I don't own the house), instead we have more light on them now!