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Surprise. I live it too


New Member
Real Person
My family left the retreat way too soon, but I had to start my new job. It has been interesting as I am learning as much as I can, as fast as I can. I was sent to a different store than the one that hired me. I started Sunday, Sept 1. Today, as part of my training, I was taking into the managers office where he talked about ordering tires and how to make returns. We got off topic and spoke about our personal lives for a bit.
He told me that he and his wife just made a decision one day to bring another woman into their marriage. I am not sure why he told me this, but I had to pick my jaw off the ground. I eagerly told him about my family and showed him pictures of my wives. He said he tries to be open about his marriage. He said that there are more people that it may seem that are living this way. I told him about this website and what we did over the weekend. Hopefully he will soon join here and meet some of you.
I have a neighbor that lives a couple doors down from me, who has a couple baby mommas. I am trying to get the pastor of the local church to help me lead him to Christ.
I have a neighbor that lives a couple doors down from me, who has a couple baby mommas. I am trying to get the pastor of the local church to help me lead him to Christ.
If the pastor is not 100% on board w poly, don't get him involved.
If the pastor is not 100% on board w poly, don't get him involved.
I didn't know that he had baby mommas when I first introduced him to the pastor. I was actually trying to introduce another fellow to the pastor, but that guy wasn't home. Yes the pastor of the church we have been attending, was visiting someone else on our street, and parked right in front of our home.
I know, right! Man if I knew of a pastor here in the Austin area in this forum, I would work with him to get a church planted!
My family left the retreat way too soon, but I had to start my new job. It has been interesting as I am learning as much as I can, as fast as I can. I was sent to a different store than the one that hired me. I started Sunday, Sept 1. Today, as part of my training, I was taking into the managers office where he talked about ordering tires and how to make returns. We got off topic and spoke about our personal lives for a bit.
He told me that he and his wife just made a decision one day to bring another woman into their marriage. I am not sure why he told me this, but I had to pick my jaw off the ground. I eagerly told him about my family and showed him pictures of my wives. He said he tries to be open about his marriage. He said that there are more people that it may seem that are living this way. I told him about this website and what we did over the weekend. Hopefully he will soon join here and meet some of you.

I agree that there are more of us out there than some might think.
I suspect that we are just the chatty ones in the group.

A fun experience I had was when my second wife was seeing her lady obgyn for the last time before the birth. We were cautioning her that there would not just be a husband present but also a sister wife. She chuckled and said she had thought that was the arrangement because of how often she was with her or with us at the appointments. That we did not have to worry about freaking her out since her plural marriage was nearly 20 years old.

A very pleasant surprise.
She was rushed and not able to hang about or I would have asked if she were aware of more families in the area in hopes of finding a local peepr group