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Meat The Biggest Lie since Genesis 3 - and Coming Out of her

Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
Deuteronomy chapter 30 a blunt refutation of the Biggest Lie in xtianity - that "the Law" has somehow been "done away with."

And it's more than just polygyny and marriage. We've been told that "nobody but JESUS could POSSIBLY keep The LAW! It's just TOO HARD for you," so, don't even try.

And if "The Church" can re-write His Word concerning marriage - why not anything else they want? Especially if it increases the power-base of what became the State-Church. And now that Civics is no longer taught in the Publik Cesspools, who's to stop them? Most can't even read the First Amendment any more for comprehension - especially if they work for the Ministry of Truth.

We saw a LOT of things this week that may have finally started to awaken the average real AmeriKan to the fact that their Republic has been stolen: FEMA won't help flood victims in the Path of Carnage, because they blew a cool $Billion-plus making illegal invaders welcome home where they replace citizens. But it turns out the truth is far worse: this was an act of war against the people.

Which is the point of this post, and the Biggest Lie. Can we refute the, well, the only proper word is "BS" that is being spewed from the Clergy Response Team pulpits? Or, when (and we're THERE!) "lawlessness abounds," - will the love of many not only grow cold, but morph into French-Revolution-style blood-in-the-streets?

I posted the audio for this in the Ghetto. Where I now know almost nobody here was able to see it, much less hear it. And I don't generally have the 'manpower' to edit transcripts, but in this case, I made time, for at least the first third or so: (If you'd like to hear the whole thing, ask for permission to See Into the Ghetto!)


Let'stalk about what I am going to call one of the most important and mostfundamental, as it turns out, summaries of the of Torah in the Torahand, as a matter of fact in the entire Scripture.

It is literally at the heart of so many elements and I'm I guess I’mgona do something I only sometimes do, and that is suggest thatthere's a title for the midrash this morning, and that is, ‘debunkingthe biggest lie since Genesis 3,’ because as you know, there are acouple big lies in Genesis 3:

-“you can be like God, you will not die.”

And then there are some others that are right up there with the biggestlies in all of human history, one of which is that ‘Jesus did awaywith the law...ailend it to the cross, and the corollaries: Things like ‘we’re not under the law anymore,’ because He did away with the law.

And furthermore, nobody could possibly keep the law except Jesus and by the way, if that's true, then he's a liar and the truth is not in Him, and we don't really have a savior...so for all those reasons,I’m gonna suggest that this is a very fundamental lie. and it’snot that I haven't talked about it in many cases, and in many ways,and in many many times before, but I think right now especially it isextremely important and vital that all of us be able to deal with because we are going to hear it.

And especially as things come to a head here over this next period of time whether it's a you know a date certain, that comes in early November or other ones. Whether it's the. The invaders that arealready pre-position of the economic meltdown which is baked in thecake at this point. World War III which is already in progress; theonly thing haven't seen yet is nukes and mushroom clouds.

So, so many possible ways that this could come out.

Some of them or all of them are increasingly likely. What that means is we need to be ready on all fronts to what walk in obedience, because theonly real protection that we have is His, and that one – whether we like it or not – is contingent.

He says, you know, there is a there's a word that is so important inScripture nets if I will take care of you. I will protect you. I willhide you. No weapon formed against you will prosper: “if.” yousee that word if inherent in this Torah portion, and it particularly is a somewhat succinct because He gives us a choice. The most fundamental choice in Scripture. And it's literally at the basis ofeverything.

It is the essence of what it means to be human is to have this choice. It is a choice that cannot be taken away from you, not by any poweron this planet, because it is ours. It was given to us by our Creator. It's fundamental to our being human beings.

And if we relinquish the choice, or if we fail to recognize it ,or we just plain default on it, well, that too, is a choice.

So all of these things are at the very heart of understanding, His Scripture, His (Instruction) Torah and, again of the biggest lie, arguably, in all of human history, perhaps even bigger than those that started thingsoff in Genesis 3.

Let some let's go to this; I want to lay out a couple of items to start with.

(...continued next page...)

First off, let's deal with – and I mentioned this last night, but it’s certainly a great way to start things off again today. Let's dea lwith the essence of the Big Lie itself:

that NOBODY could possibly keep ‘The Law’ - it’s just too hard foryou. Don't even try.

Excuse me. Something tells me that, especially if they’re preacher, a pastor, a WHORE [how 'bout 'sell-out'? Better?] for some kind of a church that does not read His Word as Written - yeah, and I’m gonna use that terminology folks, because that really...that really pisses me off. I will look that person in the and tell them, “you know what, between you and the Creator of the Universe, I’m gonna call YOU the liar.”

Because He says otherwise.

And the point is, can you back it up?

Sure, you can! Turn right here: to Deuteronomy chapter 30 and read what He says and then ask yourself, “Who is the liar?”

By the way, we got some other ones we’ll point to as well.

But He says it this way. Again, this is Moses, speaking for the Creator, summarizing literally five books of the Torah AND, if you note, when Yahushua, in the Sermon on the Mount summarizes things as well, He says, “ I ain’t changin’ - not one yod or tiddle.

And,by the way, heaven and earth are the same two witnesses that Moses calls. Same two witnesses, that Yahushua calls; they still exist.

So, that one’s pretty clear, too.

All right: This commandment, He says, which I'm commanding you this day, it’s NOT too hard for you. Well, there you go! Nor is it too far off.

Now, right here -- as you've probably heard me say – I will suggest He gets very sarcastic.

It's not up in heaven, and you need to say, “Hey who's going to go upthere and bring it to us. It's not across the sea, that you need to say, “Oh, who's gonna bring it to us from back across the sea.”

Nope it's very nigh to you. It's in your mouth. It's in your heart. Matter of fact, it’s Written right here genuine print, so that you may do it.

And then He lays it out. “See, I have set before you this day life and good, or death and evil. I command you to love Yahuah your El, walk in His ways, keep His commandments, His statutes, His ordinances.

There is the essence of the law. Right? Now, remember: His instruction. His Torah, is far bigger than just statues, judgments, commandments; He gives us examples he gives us precepts. He gives us understanding, He gives us what are called ‘precedents’ in law.

But this is a good part of it: His statues, judgments, commandments...so that you may live and multiply.

He will bless you. BUT - if your heart turns away, you won’t hear, you're drawn away and you worship other gods to serve them: I declare to you, you will surely perish.

And guess what folks; He wasn't lying.

They did, they were kicked out.

Weare still in exile for the very same crime today, both houses, both whoring wives; both kingdoms, north and south, still in exile.

And here comes that what I think is probably the most important two-word summary of the Torah in the whole Book:

“I call heaven and earth.” --there are those witnesses – “to witness against ha yom – this day. Isn’t it funny? “This day.” Every day is this day. He is still using the same two witnesses. They are still present this day – ha yom – to witness precisely what He said on that ‘this day’ so many millennia ago: that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life.

There it is: two words, real simple. “Choose life.”

“Choose life so that you and your seed may live,” And all of this is essentially vital. It's at the heart of everything.

Now there are all kinds of aspects to that, and I have certainly suggested elsewhere, and will continue to, that when it comes to understanding –if there, for example, is any kind of ambiguity – or perceived ambiguity, even -- you say, well, looks like Torah says this over here, and maybe it says this over here. How do I choose?

Okay: I’m, I'm stranded in the wilderness – got nothing to eat at all. I haven't had any food for 35 days. I'm dying here. A bunny comes by. A bunny is not food.

Can I eat the bunny? Well, can you catch the bunny if you’vegone 35 days without food?

Well, anyway the point is, ‘choose life’ is one guidance that He gives us, and I would just suggest – use your own best judgment. Understand the essence of Torah is to choose life.

So if it looks like there is a contrast...if it looks like there is anykind of an ambiguity in the choice...choose life will give you the guidance you need.

By the way, you remember that Yeshua Himself says in John chapter 10 verse 10, “I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.”

What’d He do? He taught Torah -- as Written.
