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The Problem With Doc Being Single Part Deux


Real Person
This is the "singles" forum...but when taking our belief about Biblical polygyny into account, does that mean all men, whether they have 0, 1, or more than one woman with whom they are in a marriage covenant, are "electrically" single? Or should serious posts to this forum be made only by those men who are single in the eyes of the world? (And, of course, ladies who really are single.)

About that "half-your-age-plus-seven" rule, doc...Methusalah could have married someone who was 491-1/2 years old in the year he kicked the bucket. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Let's see...my age divided by 2 plus 7 means that any Scripturally-available lady who is at least (mumble-mumble-mumble :D ) years older than my oldest daughter is numbered among the eligible...but do I have to be honest about my age when calculating this? Or should I add a decade or so to my actual age in order not to scare the children under 90... :eek: