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The Suffering Of Western/Modern Biblical Christian Polygynists


Biblical Christian polygynists/polygamists can experience a wide variety persecution and hardship in modern societies as they live the life of a Biblical Christian polygynist, a husband who has more than one wife at the same time. I am not writing about Mormon polygyny since it is neither Biblical nor Godly. I am writing about sincere Godly believers who have come to understand that no where in the Bible is Biblical polygyny declared to be sin, to be unacceptable to Jesus-Jehovah who legislated Biblical polygyny in Exodus 21:7-11; Deuteronomy 17:15-17; 21:15-17 and mightily blessed polygynists Abraham, Jacob/Israel, Gideon and King David without any condemnation of their polygyny.

Most modern Biblical polygynists do not make the same mistake as the Mormons who tried to live their polygyny legally and publicly, and suffered the consequences under the heel of US law enforcement. Most modern Biblical polygynists accept what the Bible says about a couple marrying, that it is the covenant between the man and the woman that makes their polygynous relationship a marriage (Ezek 16:8; Malachi2:14-16; Matthew 1:18-20) as they discretely and privately are polygynous after the manner of Romans 14.

Polygyny became an experience that could be viewed at home on one's TV or computer as in https://www.tvshowsace.com/2020/04/29/polygamy-shows-movies/ and

and even was seen and experienced in Facebook, Yahoo Groups and Google Groups. But the Biblical Christian community, especially the churches and church leadership, continue to strongly condemn it a evil and sinful with spokespersons such David Jeremiah, Charles Stanley, Michael Youssef and Ed Young. This is even though in 1954 the American Bible Society's Director Eugene Nida wrote in his Bible school textbook (Customs and Cultures) that Biblical polygyny was being accepted in African churches. Talbot Seminary's

"Africa Bible Commentary: A One-Volume Commentary Written by 70 African Scholars Updated Edition By: Tokunboh Adeyemo, 2010"
recognizes the acceptance of Biblical Christian polygyny in some of the orthodox African Christian churches. In the book entitled ""Cultural Anthropology - A Christian Perspective", endorsed by men from Wheaton & Luther Seminary, BIOLA and Fuller Theological Seminary, has the following ""It is interesting that the Old Testament never condemned the practice of polygyny but only regulated it (Exod 21:1-11; Lev18:17,18; Deut. 21:15-17). In fact, the law of levirate marriage may even have required polygyny in some instances . . . (Deut 25:5010)." All of this to say that Biblical Christian polygyny is a Romans 14 issue that should be dealt with according to Romans 14:1-15:5.

As an American disciple of Jesus who is a Biblical Christian polygynist I can testify that I have suffered much from the American Christian community. When the women of the Baptist church I was attending discovered what I believed, and I entered the sanctuary they all stood and turned their backs to me. Numerous fundamental and orthodox churches have made it clear to me that I am not welcome to attend or visit their churches. I had to resign my position as the weekend Chaplain at a state prison because of my beliefs. Even though their mother accepted my Biblical Christian polygyny when she married me, she and my three daughters have made it clear they do not want to hear about my marital beliefs and they have taken steps to make sure their children are not exposed to my beliefs.

Indeed for the American Biblical Christian polygynist 2 Timothy 3:12 becomes
12" Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus [as a Biblical Christian polygynist] will be persecuted." As an 80 year old Biblical Christian polygynist alone in Idaho life has become a very lonely experience, since my exwives have opted out of being wives in Biblical Polygyny and have chosen to be friends only and to live with their children, leaving me alone with my beliefs, and the 3000 people in my Facebook Biblical polygyny groups. Oooops! Got to make one correction! My one last remaining wife, true blue and faithful, is 2000 miles away trapped in the Philippines by COVID and financial problems. Prayer is much appreciated since we need a first class miracle to ever be together again.

https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/biblicalmarriagepolygyny/discussion/all= = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = == = = =

Why Does Jesus Allow Innocents and Godly Polygynists To Suffer? -P

Oh Abba!!!! I hurt! My heart is breaking! My loved one is suffering so much!
Are You there? Do You care?
*Why the Suffering of the Innocent In This World?
*If Jesus really compassionately and kindly loves me, why does He let me and mine suffer so?
*Why does Jesus let me suffer interracially/interethnically?
*Why does Jesus let me suffer when I follow His lead into a controversial & unpopular marriage?
*Why did Jesus let me suffer so much loss/grief?

*I've prayed so why am I still suffering?

*Why did Jesus let me get my STD?

*Why did He let them imprison me and what am I supposed to do here?

*Why did Jesus let them separate me from my family, leaving them to suffer alone?

The Bible Gives 30 Reasons Why Jesus Allows The Innocents and Godly Polygynists To Suffer in This Life.

COPYRIGHT © JANUARY 14, 1996; Revised 10/10/08; 01/14/10; 08/09/10; 03/16/11; 8/1/11; 2/24/12; 3/9/12; 2/22/14; 1/4/15; 6/5/21
By L. Tyler of Tyler & Tyler Posts & Publications, CA & ID
https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/bib...allow-innocents-and-his-godly-polyg-t292.html -
All rights reserved.This file, in its entirety, may be posted on or copied off of computer networks like Internet or WWW by anyone so inclined as long as it is not changed and the author is acknowledged. 

[1.] The world without suffering that God designed for His children/disciples
[2.] God has everything under His control, even the suffering
[3.] Everything doing its own thing, and the suffering that results
[4.] The Almighty Father allowed His own Son to suffer horribly for us
[5.] Jesus enabled His disciples to endure horrible suffering for good reasons
[6.] Jesus profoundly feels our grief and suffering
[7.] 28 Reasons Jesus Allows His Own to Suffer
[8.] How Jesus' Disciples Should Act Towards Those Who Make Them Suffer
[9.] WARNING! SUFFERING AHEAD! World suffering will rise to a whole new level
[10] Why Would Jesus Let America Suffer Horribly? Reason 29
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