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The Taming of the Shrew


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If you're not familiar with the Shakespeare play, check out this Burton/Taylor movie version of the story. If Elizabethan English isn't your thing, you can try this modern retelling and probably get the general gist of the story.

All that to get to this, a recent Substack article by Marilyn Simon discussing the play: The Taming of the Shrew, a play I'm not supposed to love. The ladies and I love the movie and thought we knew the story, but this article opened our eyes to see a few things in a new way (about the play in particular, and about male/female relationships generally). Enjoy!
Ah, forgot about that one, but yes, another fun and more modern interpretation!
Nicely written.
I was discussing this with Deborah, and she pointed out the parallel between it and the first part of Isaiah.
The first three chapters talk about the haughty women and then things change at the beginning of chapter four when they realize their reproach (their shame), and decide to make a man their husband in order to remove it.

I maintain that the shame referred to was the fact that they had no head (husband).
I had watched the movie with Elizabeth Taylor in high school English when we were going over Shakespeare. As well as, reading Romeo and Juliette, merchant of Venice and Macbeth.