First thing I like is hearing the chicken in the background!

Tells me a lot about her plus I love chickens!
I like how she says a woman isn't a wife at certain times. Likewise a man is not a husband just because he wants a wife.
The other lady at around the 13 minute point is also right. You do abandon yourself as independent when you become a wife. YOU HAVE TO. You can't be a wife unless you allow yourself to depend on your husband and he has to be a man you can depend on.
I disagree that a marriage is an equal partnership. It is not a business. A marriage requires the man to be a man. It all starts with him. He has to be a
man in order for you to fulfill your role as a woman.
Speaking for myself a man who wants to be lukewarm is something I reject. Be hot or cold.
Right now I am enjoying being myself for the first time in a long time. I have responsibilities in the house and outside of it too. But I also treasure my time with a man who made me submit to him. And when I submitted to him he turned around and told me to be a better woman and to be a better
person. He didn't hold me down (except on occasion

) he lifted me up.
I was blessed by having a horrorshow of a father replaced by a man who was
the husband I needed and he also finished the work in me that my father never even started.
The struggle women are having these days is they've been
lesbian feminists who convinced an entire generation that men must submit to women. The notion of the
Girl Boss is unnatural and it is a lie.
Conversely, the men who buy into this lie are not
men. They end up frustrated because real women of value want nothing to do with some eunuch who can't change a tire, who eats effeminate foods, who eschews manly activities, and who cannot defend or provide for his family.
Yes, I know it isn't easy to do any of this but where in the Bible are we promised anything would be
This whole discussion and topic is full of paradoxes and contradictions when we stray from the basics.
1. Men you have to
be men who command respect and who are credible leaders.
2. Women you have to
be women who
submit to the proven man you marry.
If you get more complicated than this then you're never going to be satisfied in a marriage.