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Meat They shall know that "ki ani YHVH"

Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
Note: I am the "Original Poster" now on this thread.

Is His Name 'divisive'? He says it's important, and uses it over 7000 times in His Word. The Pharisees wanted it hidden, because someone might mis-use it, the ancient equivalent of censorship as "malinformation," or misinformation. Or just something They don't want You to know.

And, ironically, when 'translators' in the era of early English Bibles removed it, the claim was that they didn't want to offend 'the Jews.' Perhaps the only time in history that mattered to them. So, ultimately, both of His idolatrous wives wanted His Name hidden.

But He says we WILL know it. Through multiple witnesses, and almost identical wording.

And it's another proof that 'all' is NOT yet fulfilled.

In the Book of Exodus alone, He, the Creator, and His Name is spelled "Yod-hey-vav-hey," in Hebrew, tells Moses, He tells Pharoah, He tells His people, 'kol Israel' (the 'mixed multitude,') He tells Egypt, and later everyone that 'they shall know' [all of 'em] "ki ani YHVH."

The same phrase is used literally dozens of times in Exodus alone, and very often when YHVH literally 'signs' a passage, typically a commandment, with the final admontion; "ki ani YHVH." (If you have a Bible search tool that can look up a phrase in the original Hebrew, do the search. Many won't, and will miss variations in the English; BLB's "search phrase," for example.)

His Name, the "tetragrammaton" (aka YHVH rendered in the alphabet) has been removed from most Bibles over 7000 times. (Check the translator's notes, up front. They will say that they replace it with "the LORD," all caps.)

I will suggest there is a reason that He repeats not only His real proper Name (and, no, it's not the only One) so many times, and the phrase as well.

Through MULTIPLE prophets, He also says similar, that there WILL come a time when WE shall all know that "shemi" ('My Name is') Yahuah, or YHVH.

Is it time for His people to even finally be allowed to ask the Question?

[Note: As to the proper vowel pointers, that is indeed 'another story,' and one that has arguably been specifically hidden by the same folks that took His Name out in the first place. BUT - as an engineer, I find it INCREDIBLY telling that there is one single word that appears unchanged in pronunciation in well over 600 unique human languages. It is spelled differently, even in different character sets. But it is pronounced "Hallelulah" - note I don't have to tell you how to pronounce it phonetically - and it means:

"Praise [ye] Yah!
" That is no coincidence.)
Just some examples:

"And ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. YHVH." Lev. 19:12

Ironically, the Hebrew root for "take it in vain," as used first in Exodus 20:7, literally translates as make it null and void, reduce it to nothing, or emptiness. Remove it?

"Speak unto Aaron and to his sons, that they separate themselves from the holy things of the children of Israel, and that they profane not my holy name in those things which they hallow unto me: ani YHVH." Lev. 22:2 (similarly, v 32)

Teach me thy way, O YHVH; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. Psalm 86:11. But David was big on His Name YHVH:

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Psa 86:12

I will praise thee, O YHVH Elohi, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy Name for evermore.

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Psa 103:1

[[A Psalm of David.]] Bless YHVH, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy Name.

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Psa 116:4

Then called I upon the name of YHVH; O YHVH, I beseech thee, deliver my soul.

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Psa 145:21

My mouth shall speak the praise of YHVH: and let all flesh bless His holy Name for ever and ever.

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Pro 30:9

Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is YHVH? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the Name of Elohi in vain. (Make it nothing; remove it...)

This is the first use of the verb "shav" - or make it empty/nothing in Exodus 20:7 and the famous commandment


Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD YHVH Elohekah in vain; for YHVH will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in vain.
...Again, remove it, empty it, make it into falsehood...

And, Joel just MIGHT be important, because he actually said this:

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of YHVH shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as YHVH hath said, and in the remnant whom YHVH shall call. Joel 2:32

Can we call on a Name when it really matters if it has literally been HIDDEN from us?
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Note: I am the "Original Poster" now on this thread.

Is His Name 'divisive'? He says it's important, and uses it over 7000 times in His Word. The Pharisees wanted it hidden, because someone might mis-use it, the ancient equivalent of censorship as "malinformation," or misinformation. Or just something They don't want You to know.

And, ironically, when 'translators' in the era of early English Bibles removed it, the claim was that they didn't want to offend 'the Jews.' Perhaps the only time in history that mattered to them. So, ultimately, both of His idolatrous wives wanted His Name hidden.

But He says we WILL know it. Through multiple witnesses, and almost identical wording.

And it's another proof that 'all' is NOT yet fulfilled.

In the Book of Exodus alone, He, the Creator, and His Name is spelled "Yod-hey-vav-hey," in Hebrew, tells Moses, He tells Pharoah, He tells His people, 'kol Israel' (the 'mixed multitude,') He tells Egypt, and later everyone that 'they shall know' [all of 'em] "ki ani YHVH."

The same phrase is used literally dozens of times in Exodus alone, and very often when YHVH literally 'signs' a passage, typically a commandment, with the final admontion; "ki ani YHVH." (If you have a Bible search tool that can look up a phrase in the original Hebrew, do the search. Many won't, and will miss variations in the English; BLB's "search phrase," for example.)

His Name, the "tetragrammaton" (aka YHVH rendered in the alphabet) has been removed from most Bibles over 7000 times. (Check the translator's notes, up front. They will say that they replace it with "the LORD," all caps.)

I will suggest there is a reason that He repeats not only His real proper Name (and, no, it's not the only One) so many times, and the phrase as well.

Through MULTIPLE prophets, He also says similar, that there WILL come a time when WE shall all know that "shemi" ('My Name is') Yahuah, or YHVH.

Is it time for His people to even finally be allowed to ask the Question?

[Note: As to the proper vowel pointers, that is indeed 'another story,' and one that has arguably been specifically hidden by the same folks that took His Name out in the first place. BUT - as an engineer, I find it INCREDIBLY telling that there is one single word that appears unchanged in pronunciation in well over 600 unique human languages. It is spelled differently, even in different character sets. But it is pronounced "Hallelulah" - note I don't have to tell you how to pronounce it phonetically - and it means:

"Praise [ye] Yah!" That is no coincidence.)

There is definitely an issue going on, I responded to a question regarding the name of God, I responded by copy and pasting Psalm 68:4 then copy and pasted the definition and simply stated that the letter J when used is soft like the letter Y.
This response came through via email but I was no longer able to access the thread. Why? I do not know.

The response.....


Is his name that offensive ? No scripture No reasoning just vitriol.1000012398.jpg
I love this debate. It’s another example of people refusing to examine their assumptions.

YHWH is not a name, it’s an acronym. Adding vowels randomly doesn’t generate a name either. It’s no different than calling the Bureau of Land Managment (BLM) Balaam. When He told Moses “I AM THAT I AM”, He wasn’t telling us His name. He was telling Moses that His name was none of Moses’ damn business. The Revelation is clear, we don’t know His name, only He does.

But sacred namers are going to have to sacred name I suppose.
I love this debate. It’s another example of people refusing to examine their assumptions.

YHWH is not a name, it’s an acronym. Adding vowels randomly doesn’t generate a name either. It’s no different than calling the Bureau of Land Managment (BLM) Balaam. When He told Moses “I AM THAT I AM”, He wasn’t telling us His name. He was telling Moses that His name was none of Moses’ damn business. The Revelation is clear, we don’t know His name, only He does.

But sacred namers are going to have to sacred name I suppose.
Any scripture to back up what you say because scripture declares otherwise.

Psalm 68:4 NKJV — Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name YAH, And rejoice before Him.


Have you EVER said HalleluYAH?
John 5:43
For I have come to you in my Father’s name, and you have rejected me. Yet if others come in their own name, you gladly welcome them.

The name "Joshua" in the Hebrew - indeed has the name YAH in it. Many of the prophets and servants also had the shortened version of YAHUAH (YAH) in their names:

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 4.04.36 AM.png
I love this debate. It’s another example of people refusing to examine their assumptions.

YHWH is not a name, it’s an acronym. Adding vowels randomly doesn’t generate a name either. It’s no different than calling the Bureau of Land Managment (BLM) Balaam. When He told Moses “I AM THAT I AM”, He wasn’t telling us His name. He was telling Moses that His name was none of Moses’ damn business. The Revelation is clear, we don’t know His name, only He does.

But sacred namers are going to have to sacred name I suppose.
Scripture elsewhere says that he wants us to know his name:

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 2.46.11 AM.png

He has his reasons for saying that to his servant Moses. But because of the Scripture elsewhere - you can't say that he doesn't want his to know his name. I'm just giving a possible reason - perhaps he said that to Moses, because he knows the end before the beginning; and it set up the scene for this moment:

John 8:58 NKJV
Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”
Any scripture to back up what you say because scripture declares otherwise.

Psalm 68:4 NKJV — Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name YAH, And rejoice before Him.

View attachment 8782

Have you EVER said HalleluYAH?
It says right there that it’s a contraction of a sentence, which is not a name.

And “sing praises to my name” is poetic license. If you’re going to take literally every time some turn of phrase is connected to God’s name then He’s going to have a very long, very complex name.
Scripture elsewhere says that he wants us to know his name:

View attachment 8785

He has his reasons for saying that to his servant Moses. But because of the Scripture elsewhere - you can't say that he doesn't want his to know his name. I'm just giving a possible reason - perhaps he said that to Moses, because he knows the end before the beginning; and it set up the scene for this moment:

John 8:58 NKJV
Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”
Of course He wants us to know His name, he just hasn’t told it to us yet.
It says right there that it’s a contraction of a sentence, which is not a name.

And “sing praises to my name” is poetic license. If you’re going to take literally every time some turn of phrase is connected to God’s name then He’s going to have a very long, very complex name.
I am asking this as a very serious question.
Because you seem to consistently misquote texts

Are you dyslexic ?
1) He has said He has more than one Name. Any halfway Scripture-literate individual can name several, from "MY NAME Yahuah," to "My Name El Shaddai," "My Name Yahuah Rapha," (Who heals) to "El Kanah."

2) He says (here's an exercise for the reader - do a simple search in a Bible tool like E-Sword or BLB) "they shall know My Name is YHVH." Through most, if not all of the prophets.

3) As I noted above there are MANY examples where He says, "ki ani YHVH."

If He says, "My Name is YHVH," I believe Him. Not scoffers who claim to know what He should have said, instead of what He did.
When a moderator takes a firm position based on their own opinion, it makes it appear that the position is representative of the position taken by the leadership of the site.

Even the Apostle Paul was able to identify and state that which was his own personal opinion.
1) He has said He has more than one Name. Any halfway Scripture-literate individual can name several, from "MY NAME Yahuah," to "My Name El Shaddai," "My Name Yahuah Rapha," (Who heals) to "El Kanah."
Ah, so YHWH is a name, not THE name, sort of a title or designator? Interesting.
Ah, so YHWH is a name, not THE name, sort of a title or designator? Interesting.
Do you even understand enough English (never mind Hebrew) to recognize what an 'article adjective' is?

Please leave the adults alone to have a midrash.

Or just learn to use a Bible tool, and look up "ani YHVH."

אֲנִי יְהוָה

PS> That's "a dog" vs "the dog" for the ESL readers. And all it proves is 'context.' Another concept that we don't need twisted just to change the topic. And as I have explained, and you continue to ignore, He says, "MY Name." First person, singular, possessive. Along with other uses, all of which make the same point. For those with "eyes to see," anyway.

PPS> And "LORD" is a title. And "God" is a type, not a name. Good grief.
Do you even understand enough English (never mind Hebrew) to recognize what an 'article adjective' is?

Please leave the adults alone to have a midrash.

Or just learn to use a Bible tool, and look up "ani YHVH."

אֲנִי יְהוָה

PS> That's "a dog" vs "the dog" for the ESL readers. And all it proves is 'context.' Another concept that we don't need twisted just to change the topic. And as I have explained, and you continue to ignore, He says, "MY Name." First person, singular, possessive. Along with other uses, all of which make the same point. For those with "eyes to see," anyway.

PPS> And "LORD" is a title. And "God" is a type, not a name. Good grief.
But, you just said God has many names, including at least one we don’t know? How do you know which one is the main one that you’re required to call Him by? And if it is YHWH how do you know that you have the right vowels or that you’re even allowed to use the Acronym and are not supposed to use the entire sentence? Like He did.

You see your entire premise is flawed. If God was telling Moses the name He wanted to be called by, it was a sentence; I am that I am, not an acronym.

That and you don’t have any command that you have to call God Yahweh, so you’d be adding to scripture. And that there was no command prior to the burning bush that anyone was to call God that so such a command would be a change to the Law and your entire theology falls apart anyway….

Look at me! Even with my limited English skills I’m midrashing!
@The Revolting Man
  1. Have you ever said HalleluYAH ?
  2. What does HalleluYAH mean ?
  3. Does HalleluYAH have a name in it ?
  4. If HalleluYAH does have a name in it, whose name is it ?
I’m not sure what you think about this proves. My claim is not that God doesn’t have a designator. My claim is that Yahweh is not His one and only true name that He must be called by, as your example proves.

Hallelujah is not halleluyahweh. If “jah” is an acceptable substitution for Yahweh then any number of other substitutions could work as well.

My name is Zechariah. “Iah” is not “jah” nor is it Yahweh. You’re not telling me I have to spell my name Zechar-Yahweh. Let’s have some intellectual consistency here. If Yahweh is the only acceptable name then don’t use hallelujah as proof. Yahweh isn’t in there.