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Things have been crazy, and the 2nd wife is here


New Member
Just want to say hi and apologize for being gone so long. Things have been really crazy around here. But, they seem to be getting back to normal, or at least as normal as it ever gets around here.My best friend and her son have moved in and we're taking things slowly. None of us is really sure how to proceed, but we feel like we're doing the right thing. We're talking among ourselves about what type of "ceremony" to have to bring her into our family. There really ought to be an instruction manual for this. :lol:
It's kind of nice having her around both for me and Mike. She and I have done some home improvement stuff (mostly painting) and can't wait til the weather warms up so we can get out in the yard. I want to plant flowers this year. She can't wait to plant the vegetable garden, if the weather ever gets warm enough. We've got 3 out buildings and a garage attic that really need cleaning out. Sounds like she's here to work doesn't it? Certainly don't want to give that impression. I certainly didn't realize how much work was involved living on a farm( I grew up til I was 15 in the city), and I don't think she did either. Mike was raised here, so he knew all along. Wish he'd warned me. But, I don't want to sound like I'm griping, I love it here.
So Ladies, keep us in your prayers as we go forward with this.
Congratulations. This board is turning into an instruction manual of sorts. People share what works and what doesn't. My hubby and I did a small ceremony at the Dallas retreat. It was nice and we were surrounded by people who love us and know this aspect of our life. I got the celebration that made me feel like I belonged. It was truly wonderful for me. A ceremony can be as simple or elaborate as you want it to be. Just make sure there are some witnesses to hold all accountable.

I am so happy for you guys. I hope you will keep in contact during the good and the not so good times. It is important that we all stay as close as we can, to support each other and learn from each other.

May God bless this family.

It means so much knowing that there are other folks praying for us and that this will work. I just can't express how much finding this site has meant to me.
We have a few close friends who know what we're doing and they're really supportive. They'll be witnesses when we figure out what type of ceremony we all want.
My sis and I had our first spat, I guess you could say, this morning before I went to work.It troubled me all morning and I'm not sure how to proceed. It was about intimacy between her and hubby the first time. I have never been the jealous type and am not starting now. I am ok with him being with her. I'm not sure if this is the right place to "spill" the whole conversation, and ask for input, so if someone would direct me, I'd really appreciate it.