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Till Death did them Part, Osama’s Wife Stood by her Man


Real Person
There have been reports that when American operators stormed Osama bin Laden’s compound, he used one of his wives as a “human shield” in some last-ditch effort to save himself. This is ridiculous. A seasoned war veteran like Osama who had faced Soviet troops would know better than to use that tactic against America’s most dedicated warriors, who could hardly be expected to flinch at the sight of a woman wailing in Arabic in front of their highest-value target.

Nevertheless, some people will buy anything, so I suppose there is some reason the story was pitched in that manner.

However, according to the most recent accounts, the woman stood between Osama and the grim messengers of Hades of her own volition, facing certain death in an act of self-sacrifice for her lord and master, that enemy of the West and murderer of thousands.

Some say that a woman is incapable of love, but this mere woman with her act of self-abnegation proved them wrong. She loved her man with all her heart, soul and being. She made the choice that without him she was nothing, and placed her frail flesh and bones directly in front of the burst of hot lead that cut her and her husband down and sent them to face their maker. And she was only one of his wives…

To our troops’ credit, they did not hesitate, and indulged the woman in her quest for martyrdom.

How many men will ever know such love from a woman? How many good, humble, dutiful men will ever earn a fraction of such sacrifice?

A woman’s love is one of the mysteries of the universe. It is lawless and unfathomable to us men. All of our notions of right and wrong – even our sense of the order of things – is swept away as a trifle by the passions of women.

It is lessons such as these that should make it perfectly clear that being a good man is not something done for the sake of or benefit of women, but rather, as their deepest feelings too often betray and actions sadly declare, in spite of them.

I enjoyed the noble sentiment of the woman sacrificing herself for her man, but the sentence below is a disgrace...

To our troops’ credit, they did not hesitate, and indulged the woman in her quest for martyrdom.

Our troops - nice attempt at identification there. These people were paid government assassins.

Credit - you are happy that they murdered a lady and others?

Did not hesitate - of course not, they have spent years training to kill people without hesitation, wonderful skill, give them a parade and release them into the community now.

Indulged the woman - some kind of moral justification for murder?

Okay, I will rewrite the sentence.

With popular acclaim from many USA citizens and in accordance with their training and mission direction, the government agents killed the unarmed woman who was attempting to protect her unarmed husband.

With popular acclaim from many USA citizens and in accordance with their training and mission direction, the government agents killed the unarmed woman who was attempting to protect her unarmed husband.

Ummmm.......I don't think the one with him was killed. She was shot in the leg and then captured and is now being held in Pakistan for questioning.
And we don't get to have access to her. Seems that Pakistan is pitching just a li'l bit of a fit...
ylop said:
Our troops - nice attempt at identification there. These people were paid government assassins.

Credit - you are happy that they murdered a lady and others?

Did not hesitate - of course not, they have spent years training to kill people without hesitation, wonderful skill, give them a parade and release them into the community now.


Pretty bold statement for someone whos obviously never served in the military. As a United States Marine I take offense to your entire attitude towards this action. Have you ever stood outside of a building knowing that once you enter you're going to be shot at? Have you ever been up against an enemy that hates you with every fiber of his being and will go to great lengths to see you die? Have you ever held a weapon knowing that you'll probably be called upon to use it to take another human life in defense of yourself and the buddy next to you? I'm going to take a wild guess and say your answer to all these questions is "no". If thats the case then maybe you should keep your opinions to what you know and don't point your finger at someone and call them an assassin without even having the slightest clue of what those men are asked to do on a daily basis. While you're at home sleeping in your warm bed they're in some slimy mudhole defending the right for you to have the freedom to open your mouth and call them assassins. Just rememebr...a closed mouth gathers no foot.....Semper Fi
Hi KevinV.

Nice to hear from you.

Thanks for asking, yes I have 'served' for 5 years in the Army, infantry in case you were interested, although not on active service as there were no wars on at the time.

You obviously identify closely with the United States government and their armed forces. Good for you.

There are plenty of opportunity for USA armed forces to go up against people who hate them with every fiber of their being, thanks to 100 years of aggressive US foreign policy.

Your country used to be a beacon for freedom.

An open mouth provokes thought (in some).

Temper High?

The OP disturbed me too, there was nothing moral about killing an unarmed person.

I am the last person who sympathises with Islamic (or indeed any flavour) of fundamentalism but hailing this as some noble thing is just wrong. It is tragic, truly tragic all this crowing over death like jackals.

ylop said:
Thanks for asking, yes I have 'served' for 5 years in the Army, infantry in case you were interested, although not on active service as there were no wars on at the time.
You obviously identify closely with the United States government and their armed forces. Good for you.
There are plenty of opportunity for USA armed forces to go up against people who hate them with every fiber of their being, thanks to 100 years of aggressive US foreign policy.
Your country used to be a beacon for freedom.
An open mouth provokes thought (in some).
Temper High?
You can talk bad about our govenment and it's policies all you want. I never said anything about agreeing with them. But YOU went right after the SEAL team members themselves with your 'assassins' comment. That, I won't let slide by.
As I stated, you haven't ever been in their shoes so you're comments and opinions are made out of ignorance so they don't carry much weight in my eyes. But thats my opinion and now you've heard it.
Alright let's try and move beyond the issue of "the justification of the attack or lack of it."

In a sense, we are like Monday morning quarterbacks who never even saw the game and we are trying to determine what should have or should not have taken place. For anyone to be able to make a righteous judgment they have to have the facts and that is something we do not fully have or even enough to be able to make an valid judgment in the "justification to shoot or not shoot situation." So, in light of the fact we all lack first hand testimony as to what took place let's move on to what I think Doc was originally trying to point out, i.e. the idea of a faithful woman who is devoted to her man.

I think Doc wanted to highlight that a woman can be one of the most faithful companions to her man, especially if she believes in his cause and mission in life. And that raises a good point and question.

Is it possible that that a reason why some women are not very loyal to their man is because they do not see and believe that man has a true a serious mission in life?

I think it is. Would to God that every man pray and work some each week to try and make someone a disciple or deeper disciple in the Lord (see Matthew 28:18-20). I wonder how loyal and how faithful women would become if they saw their men getting serious about souls who need the Lord?

I wonder what might happen if more men were willing to sacrifice, take risks, and venture out into the task of actually trying to turn the country around by getting people saved and matured through the Word. Would those real men who fight the forces of hell draw to them better and more loyal women who would all in turn produce more mature children and families and thus impact the community at larger?
This is one of those times when I am particularly glad that God judges and not me. I have not celebrated the death of Osama but I have understood how his death could bring peace and closure to some.

I believe that the support of a woman/wife can be the greatest asset than any man could have. I also believe that the lack of this support from a wife is the most destructive thing a man can face.

I think that men can use this idea as a way to guage future relationships. I believe that women can use this as a way to become the best wife (and strongest weapon) to her husband.

I am not sure I could purposely take a bullet for my hubby, but I like to believe that I could. This is an extreme example that showcases the power of each role in a marriage. Anyone who says that women are "lesser" in a patriarchal marriage has missed the whole point. Any man who treats his wife as "lesser" in their marriage is telling God that His gift is not valued.

We each have our roles in a Biblical Marriage. Performing those roles to the utmost is the goal. Women who follow their leader have a value above precious stones. Men who lead their families in Biblical principles are a blessing to their families.

The death of Osama bin Laden will affect every person in a different way. Personally, I believe that it was a political ploy on the part of our administration to raise popularity. God is the judge of the man who died and the men who assaulted and ultimately killed him. God is just and we can trust him to know where each of these people will spend their eternity.

sweetlissa said:
This is one of those times when I am particularly glad that God judges and not me. I have not celebrated the death of Osama but I have understood how his death could bring peace and closure to some.

I believe that the support of a woman/wife can be the greatest asset than any man could have. I also believe that the lack of this support from a wife is the most destructive thing a man can face.

We each have our roles in a Biblical Marriage. Performing those roles to the utmost is the goal. Women who follow their leader have a value above precious stones. Men who lead their families in Biblical principles are a blessing to their families.



What an incredible and powerful statement this morning! I also feel that it is one of the foundations of Biblical Marriage, that a woman/wife stand beside her husband and be an asset to him. I am so thankful to read (see/hear) this reminder.

i so apreciate the support of my wife. i rise up and call her blessed (ok, i praise her, the other part is the childrens job, but i liked the way that it sounded :) ).
if she were to stand between me and a fate that was going to occure anyway, i would be forced to call her a foolish suicide.
A woman’s love is one of the mysteries of the universe. It is lawless and unfathomable to us men. All of our notions of right and wrong – even our sense of the order of things – is swept away as a trifle by the passions of women.
I want to point out that Doc is not the author of this article, he but posted it in its entirety, with a link to the site. The quote above is, in my opinion the main thrust of the article. I take exception to the author's point of view. Granted, women are capable of, and a great many women do, love graciously, unselfishly and tenderly, but they do not have a corner on love. There is no specific "brand" of love that is "a womans love" that is unique or above that of a man or child of either gender. To assume that such an entity exists is as fruitful as to embrace the search for the seven cities of Cibola. Such an assumption also relegates the love of an honest man to a somewhat substandard emotion, shallow and fleeting. Love is an attribute of God, the main attribute. His love is first in the description of the fruit of the Spirit and one of only three words used as a one word description of the character and nature of God, "God is love".

I have read all of Zane Grey's books, they are full of action, but mostly promoting women as somehow, greater than man in the love category. Years later, when my wife was reading Harlequin Romance novels voraciously, I read a few to see the attraction. They were all the same, names and locations were changed to keep the ink flowing, but they put women in the same category as did Zane Grey. This is a romantic myth that needs to be dispelled, "a woman's love is different or greater than a man's love." In both literary genre's I've mentioned, the woman's love makes the man whole, saving him from his empty , fruitless existence. Please, do not get me wrong, I love women. Women represent the apex of God's creative work, but neither men nor women are superior to each other in the love department. To believe that they are is to perpetuate a myth that is affecting how the world sees God. If the greatest love we could experience in this world is that of a woman, if feminine love is the greatest, then how does the love of God appear to the world but feminine? No wonder so many men are not flying to the embrace of a loving God, to do so would feminize their soul and thank God there are still men who find that repugnant.

As a man, I know what it is to love, deeply, genuinely, selflessly and often being rejected in it. Men every day put themselves out into the world and endure things they would rather run from, things that eat away at their dreams and they do it for their families, because they love them. Both men and women of godly character love, give and sacrifice, often without thanks, for those they love. As a 10 year old boy, I watched my Dad disappear in a blinding blizzard, carrying a five gallon can to walk over two miles round trip to bring home fuel oil for our heater, to keep us warm. This was not unusual for him to do it. As a boy, I was impressed for some reason, but I didn't understand why until I became a father myself. That scene is deeply etched in my memory. Is the love of God better understood by Larence Whitten's example or of Phyllis's tucking us in bed with a kiss goodnight? I know, but what do you think?
I think each of us bring our own 'brand' of love to the table John. The spirit reveals God's love to us and many times we see that same love reflected in a parent, friend or companions actions and it embeds itself in our psyche. I too have vivid memories of my father going above and beyond the call of duty to make sure his family was taken care of. He very rairly spoke the words "I love you" but he always showed it with his actions. My mother on the other hand would constantly tell us how much she loved us but her actions, while loving, weren't as strong as my fathers. It was just their own way of showing and receiving love in my opinion.
In my house I tell my wife how much I love her every chance I get. I try to back that up with my actions and I know for a fact i'd give my life to make sure she and the kids were safe. My wife isn't as 'boisterous' about telling me she loves me but she shows me how she feels in more ways than she knows.
I agree that a man and woman both have the capacity for the same love. i just think we all have different ways we show it.
Number one, we do not know any of the true facts nor will we. We freely award noble motives to the wife who by any stretch could be worse than UBL, she just may not have had ability or opportunity but none the less believed in the cause. As believers we ought to be very concerned that our cause is just and right and pure. The source of justice and righteousness and purity being God, Yhwh if you please. The actions of UBL's wives may be love as they know it or perhaps simply fear of the man himself as Islam has no reservation in dealing harshly with insubordinate women. It is a dangerous position to agree to when we would applaud a woman who does not stand against evil but will for the sake of the husband follow a life of an evil man and by silence endorse such. I would rather my wife stand up and say, "Absolutely Not!!" The Holy Spirit of God resides in my lover, my sweetheart as well as me and if I am doing something crazy I REALLY HOPE she grabs ahold of my attention or leaves and by leaving refuses to endorse an ungodly lifestyle choice or heretical position. Do we applaud Eva Braun for her dedication to Adolf Hitler? Is it even appropriate to even go there?
As my wife follows me, I have an even greater responsibility to lead righteously, but she is not absolved from responsibility if she sees evil and does nothing.
or maybe those are just the rantings of a maddog.
Maddog said:
Number one, we do not know any of the true facts nor will we. We freely award noble motives to the wife who by any stretch could be worse than UBL, she just may not have had ability or opportunity but none the less believed in the cause. As believers we ought to be very concerned that our cause is just and right and pure. The source of justice and righteousness and purity being God, Yhwh if you please. The actions of UBL's wives may be love as they know it or perhaps simply fear of the man himself as Islam has no reservation in dealing harshly with insubordinate women. It is a dangerous position to agree to when we would applaud a woman who does not stand against evil but will for the sake of the husband follow a life of an evil man and by silence endorse such. I would rather my wife stand up and say, "Absolutely Not!!" The Holy Spirit of God resides in my lover, my sweetheart as well as me and if I am doing something crazy I REALLY HOPE she grabs ahold of my attention or leaves and by leaving refuses to endorse an ungodly lifestyle choice or heretical position. Do we applaud Eva Braun for her dedication to Adolf Hitler? Is it even appropriate to even go there?
As my wife follows me, I have an even greater responsibility to lead righteously, but she is not absolved from responsibility if she sees evil and does nothing.
or maybe those are just the rantings of a maddog.

Awesome! Thanks for some sanity.
We do have several examples of how not to be as a wife. 2Samuel 6:16
Michel and vs. 20 mocking David with sarcastic disdain. Then there is Job's wife, curse God and die. Yeah,, those are great role models,,
I don't know if I could've done what that wife did, but , we are always expecting the man to do it for us. Lord let me be the supportive and loving
wife. That is what I pray for. Of course first I need one lol
Kevin, Thank you for your service to our Country and welcome home!
I am a retired Army Nurse and a mother of a son who is in Iraq. Lord let me always be a praying mother and grandmother dede