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To restore health...and lose weight....


Seasoned Member
Real Person
You must win the battle within!

The book Super Gut teaches you how to reset your microbiome. This matters as many people have destroyed their gut health with antibiotics, too much coffee, sugar, processed foods, etc. Many also have ENEMY microbes where they shouldn't be, in the upper gi tract.
These CAUSE inflammation and chronic disease

Doing the protocol in the Super Gut book helped my/our husband get his health back....and he was feeling so poor he wondered how long he would/could live. He lost about 26 pounds in a month....but not intentionally and it wasn't healthy! He's doing good now and gained back some. It helped my health. I tried for years to lose weight...had aches, pains, a sore back that was very debilitating. I knew I couldn't go trim sheep's hooves or I'd be a cripple next day. I had a rash I couldn't get rid of....food cravings.
The protocol in Super Gut resets your microbiome...and I felt sooo much better with the sugar cravings gone. Then I got the missing piece....how to fast ( or eat) like a girl and I was able to finally after years make real progress on my weight. At my heaviest over a year ago I was probably 40 pounds overweight. ...and I never felt like me that heavy. I lost ten last summer and then just couldn't drop any more. Since late March I've lost another 15 and it sure makes a difference! If anyone has questions I am happy to share....but I will be feeling good about myself again when I turn 51 this summer. I can WORK again! And I LOVE THAT!! No back pain....even after trimming sheep hooves... no knee pain....I can run easier....and look forward to getting horseback again. My hubby didn't want me to ride because the risk of coming off and getting seriously injured is far greater with more weight hitting the ground.

That's all I have time to write....because I'm excited about life and being able to LIVE again. There is hope. You can THRIVE!
@Joleneakamama thanks for sharing this book! I’ve been dealing with trying to lose weight for YEARS. Once I had kids, I started struggling. And I think I’ve heard before that it all kind of starts in the gut.
I’ve lost a lot since having my 5th baby, but I feel like this book would be really helpful for me since I think my sugar-addiction is probably a lot to blame. ;)