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Too funny

I think Mrs. Piggy has a chance for a comeback in her career. In more ways than one.
Oh it's even funnier now. Rush Limbaugh is RIGHT NOW talking about it on his show.
My cynical prediction is that if this doesn't work to convince Amerikans to eat more pork, the "clean food" verses of the Bible will be the next items to be called "hate speech" and made verboten in Caesar's Churches. :o

(Those Evil Hate-Filled Bible-Thumpin' Terrorists will no doubt be bad-mouthing GMOs next! Gotta NIP it IN THE BUD. ;) )

I know they use sex to sell a lot of stuff, but I never thought it would be pork.
Hmmm I know a lot of people who would disagree! I like to know where she went to study this?