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Daniel DeLuca

Seasoned Member
Real Person
Enjoy this post from a friend of mine who over the course of this conversation used not one single verse of Scripture to back up his assertions:

Pablo Groves
Daniel DeLuca like I said if you believe it's ok to have multiple wives and think it is BIBLICAL, please enjoy that sin by all means I am not your judge. You point fingers at every one, even McArthur, and when I see you I will you face to face. satan himself knows the WORD! WHATEVER THINGS ARE TRUE AND WHATEVER THINGS ARE HONEST FOCUS ON THOSE! With all due respect I won't present the facts on Facebook because it will cause harm to the reality of what I know as fact. I carry the GOSPEL OF PEACE..... it's ok to believe you can have multiple wives because Christ gives you the freedom, but the decision to believe it is good is the lie! Call it what you want by human definition. I don't word play. Your belief is absolutely against CHRIST. I'm not condemning you. CHRIST WORD clears the notion up very well. What you have done is we will discuss face to face because it will continue to distort your relationship with Christ. It will lead to death. It's not slander if it's the truth. So I'm going to leave this conversation right here. Please refrain from using my head pastor and your misguided understanding about what he said about the Bible. That as well is very disrespectful. It doesn't matter how many times you've read the Bible or how many Epistles you have memorized. What matters is your heart posture and walking it out with Christ leading you. Just based on the fruit that I see, from the little I know about you, it's evident there's more to the story. You're very angry and bitter I get it, but that's only because you got caught. I love you brother and I'm praying that Christ softened your heart so you can admit it, and quit running from the real reason stemming from behind why you even chimed in on this post. It breaks my heart to see you in such pain and so angry. If you would just own it and let it go you'd be free. You also have to realize that there are consequences to your actions and trust me I'm still learning from all my mistakes. But I will tell you one thing, the wounds of a friend, SIN WILL HANG YOU! I'm praying you come back to Christ and Luke Chapter 24:45 clearly says: then he opened their mind that they could understand the scriptures. There's a lot of people that read the Bible and continue to live in sin. I'm sorry you are struggling with the TRUTH and have been asked to step down. I'm not saying you're not a Christian but you are absolutely wrong about the wives thing, that one thing can set you so far astray because you are actually against Christ. So father God I pray that you heal his heart from what has recently happened in his life and that you bring to his heart the reality that multiple wives even the thought of it is a lie from the pit of hell and he is wrong. Please help him to understand that this is not a debate or an information battle. This is a lie and a truth confrontation that satan has blinded him for so long. Father have mercy on his heart, so he can see and hear clearly. Please protect him in his agony because he's not allowed to sing in the choir anymore. Pray that you bring repentance to his heart and let forgiveness start to sink in so he can see the LIE and expose the enemy. So that he can get back to using his gift to worship King Jesus. Lord Jesus I know you hear me when I ask you to step in before he goes too far. Please let him know that I will stand on the truth even if it costs me my life. Please allow him to know that I'm not the guy that debates scripture or will move from the obedience and Lord Jesus you have commanded us to only have one bride.... Both spiritually and physically on this earth. Clear his mind and heart of all the shame and hurt, and the destructive thinking. Please allow him to see how many people he affects and that coming from a man that knows from experience what he's doing will kill him. Let him return to you Lord Jesus and hear you clearly and correctly and the mighty name of Yeshua Hamashia! AMEN! (Conversation is over, I'll see you face to face when I see you.) You will not be bullying me on Facebook let alone trying to convince me with scripture inaccurately.
BTW, I know where 501 E Janis Dr. is. I drive by that area on my way to the recreation center. I have done visitation in that area. It is a pretty rough area.
Georgetown Housing Authority? If this jerk works for a public agency and is making threats at people then that seems a like a problem that could be reported to his local law enforcement agency.
Georgetown Housing Authority? If this jerk works for a public agency and is making threats at people then that seems a like a problem that could be reported to his local law enforcement agency.
He runs a hair salon. I wouldn't call him a jerk, even though he certainly acted like one in this exchange. He is just a bit rough around the edges. So he hosts block parties, and I am guessing that this is where he lives.
If you are a bit curious about what I said in that exchange about John MacArthur, it had to do with him expelling Eileen Gray for refusing to return to her abusive husband. For those who don't know, MacArthur told Gray that she had to model suffering the way that David did. Her husband happened to be a minister on staff at MacArthur's church, and he had admitted to the physical abuse. It came out later that he was sexually abusive towards the children.

One of the points I made in that exchange, is that we in the church are choosing leaders based on their eloquence.
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I find it humorous that he has to inform God that "even the thought of it is a lie from the pit of hell and he is wrong."

EDIT: This is a classic example of Proof by Assertion
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If you are a bit curious about what I said in that exchange about John MacArthur, it had to do with him expelling Eileen Gray for refusing to return to her abusive husband. For those who don't know, MacArthur told Gray that she had to model suffering the way that David did. Her husband happened to be a minister on staff at MacArthur's church, and he had admitted to the physical abuse. It came out later that he was sexually abusive towards the children.
I didn't know about that.