• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Warmest Greetings from the Valley of the Sun


Warmest Greetings from the Valley of the Sun!
I’ve had an account for a long time, and was comfortable reading and liking posts, not so much posting. I’ve just changed my username, inspired from Matthew 25, the Groom of 5 Wise so I can post more (concerns of doxxing easily with a username I’ve used before, although the details I’m about to post would make it fairly easy to find me).

A bit about me. Currently living in the Valley of the Sun, Phoenix metro area. Raised Romanian Pentecostal (pre-Communism), very different from American Pentecostalism; a lot more similarities to Southern Baptist in some doctrine, conservatism, and legalism; just a very heavy emphasis on speaking in tongues and prophecy, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Not to say any of those are “bad”, just different and often misguided. We have called Calvary Chapel churches as our home for a number of years, and now primarily frequent a local larhe church (although I often struggle to call it home).

I used to be a computer systems and software engineer in aerospace, and currently a full time real estate agent.

Married, 1 wife, the wife of my youth. No other partners before. We have 5 kids together, oldest is a teen. Very “tradcon” nuclear family.

Why am I here? I stumbled upon it many years ago, I think from a christianredpill sub, or something like that, and kept frequenting your forums. I have thoroughly enjoyed the content, conversations, and biblical perspectives and values most have. It definitely scratches a cerebral itch. I believe monogamy is not the only valid form of marriage, for those that can bear it. Polygyny and celibacy are valid too.
Welcome to another moniker for you. 😊
Thanks for the introduction, Go5W. I eagerly await hearing your perspectives, and I'm glad you've been studying up on what's available here!
Nice meet u are u wanting another wife
I’m not entirely sure. Weather it is for me or not, I do not know. That is something I might want to pursue at some point. My wife has made her position clear, she wants absolutely no part in it. If I pursue this, she would divorce. It’s not something I would want to upheave my current family. We’re going to have a lot more communication around this topic.
And if not
And again, if not, @HaveNot, you and all other women should not risk your safety by distributing your phone number so publicly. Most who do so are taken advantage of unless they themselves are doing so to potentially take advantage of men who call them.

I highly recommend that you ask @FollowingHim to remove your phone number from every one of your posts, and then start encouraging men to contact you directly through chatting here first.
Welcome! To having a new profile. But welcome the same :) I hope I don't end up with doxxing issues myself
Welcome to your new image?

We are up in the mountains and are rural living folk. We have older grown offspring....teens, and youngers too.

If you ever want to beat the heat on a saturday and visit us, hubby said I could extend an invitation to you and your family. We already host a gathering of locals in the morning. Music jam happens often too. Some evenings we play volleyball.

Bible study and political conversations are not avoided.....and we enjoy fellowship with whoever has the courage to hang around. Some come for the sweets n treats as I bake every Saturday morning, some come because they like us....and/or the discussions. This modern world of politically correct sheeple leaves many craving meaningful conversation and with those "cerebral itches" left unscratched.

As far as people figuring out who we are? I'm not at all worried. We are already our own clan.....and we don't fit in anywhere.

Ain't we sposed to be somthin' differnt? Wot was that thar word?...peccary...naw that's not it. Punctual? Ummmm naahh....

PECULIAR? Yeah! I think that was it!!

Lol. :)