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What would you have said? What do you think?


So I have a female friend asked me if I could explain polygyny with out using the bible, because she is an athiest. I ask her to clarify as too what she meant. She told me that when a person wants to have more then one wife she thinks it is for sex only and not for love. She wanted me too explain with out using the bible to answer her questions.
Here’s the questions she asked and my response,

1: Aren’t people who are into polygyny in it just in it for the sex?

My answer: If a man just wanted sex wouldn’t be easier just too hire a hooker or maybe a sideline girl friend? I don’t see a man who just wants to cheat taking in a woman who has children, taking care of all of them needs and so forth. I also don’t see him trying to spend equal time with his first wife and second wife as well as all the children still go to work and support all of them. Also polygyny isn’t the most popular thing on the block and since you will have two sets of inlaws plus your own family one or all side may not be kosher with the way you have chosen too live your life. You could have a real dilemma on your hands with a lot of family and friends constantly hating on you and the way you live your life it could lead too a lot of heart break. Lastly why would a man risk going to prison just to have sex with a woman? I could think of a lot easier ways to get sex. This being said that’s why I believe polygyny is not just about sex, life would be so much simpler to just go out and cheat.

2: Well isn’t it just selfish to have more then one wife?

My answer: Like I said before you are taking care of another person and quite possibly another family! How is that selfish to say the least? Many people think it is selfish because they do not think of all the hardships the man will endure. Have you ever had more then one woman under the roof at the same time? If you have you will know of the hard ships endured. Theirs is also a chance the man could get greatly used. Knowing this he will still open his home too a woman with children. I can’t see a person who’s willing to take care of some one for the rest of their life as selfish. I see it as a person who is very giving. I mean really would you rather see a single mother struggle with children and her children not have a father who loves them and mentors them?

3: What about the first wife? Don’t you think this would be a problem for her?

My answer: I am sure at first for her it may be. That is why I have made sure that her and I have fully discussed what this could mean for our family. We discussed the positives as well as the negatives. We came to the conclusion together that this is the life we wish to practice. She knows when the right woman comes along she will also have a friend who she can talk too and not just the kids. She will also feel good about having some one there who we are able too love. Not like an orgy, but truly love with all of our heart and souls.. I have asked her many times over to make sure she is ok with our decision and she states that she wouldn’t have it any other way. If I was allowed to use the bible I could explain a little better.

She wrote me this” When I can think of more to ask I will. You are a smooth talker, but I know you are going to trip up eventually”

My response: Keep asking away since my intentions are true and just I doubt I am going to trip up as you call it. I hope in time you will let me explain why biblically I wish to practice polygyny. Have a great day!

This isn’t a girl I am courting just some one who is trying to figure how my mind works I guess,lol.
Sounds like a good conversation. I like you're answers, if I where to give my own they would be much more blunt and concise.

1: Aren’t people who are into polygyny in it just in it for the sex?

Arn't people who get married just in it for sex?

Wherever that goes its good. One way or another it breaks down the false dichotomy between marriage and polygyny in many peoples minds.

2: Well isn’t it just selfish to have more then one wife?

Do you think you can keep even one wife if you're just selfish?

That gets around to the same point as you made, but makes them point it out.

3: What about the first wife? Don’t you think this would be a problem for her?

She's happy, no, not a problem at all.

But thats me, she never had a problem with it. Then in my case I get to force them to elaborate on whatever their precived problem is without having to guess what they think the problem is and raise other hypothetical problems in the process.

Well, good luck and have fun with your discussion.