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Where is Just A Guy?


Hi all!

I haven't been on this board for a long time. Why?

What happened was this: I got a long way ahead knowledge and emotionally on this topic so when I (finally) discussed w/wife she was quite taken by surprise (of course). Also, I went places in my heart, thinking about the future, and even making some steps toward pursuing a 2nd wife when I hadn't even discussed it with her. She felt yucky about this (of course, who wouldn't?). This was really dumb and selfish of me.

As part of us seeking the Lord's heart together and getting to a better place, we decided together it would be good for me to take a break from being here. Why? Because it made the discussions a bit more complicated to have a "3rd party" involved and we considered it could distract me from hearing the Lord's voice. It didn't feel good to just stop, but I think it was a good call for the time being. Something of a fast?

My wife and I (and Jesus) are discussing and care for each other's hears, learning how to be respectful/supportive of each other thru the conversations. It's God's grace that gives us the ability to differ in places but still be fully in love and in support of each other while we both seek him.

I really, REALLY appreciate everyone's support and counsel on this board - especially Andrew who I exchanged long emails with and an hour+ telephone call.

Going forward we might be on this forum a bit more but we're doing it together now. Much better! Duh. (But this is my personal account and she has her own account here too.)


Thanks for the update JAG... And I can truly relate to exactly what you described as a fast of sorts!

I too got a bit ahead of myself concerning my heart and desire for the future of our family... Realizing the affect that this poly conversation was having on my precious new wife this last year, I took a step back and put the topic on the shelf for a time...

Here was my precious loving new wife listening to me talk about wanting a future for us that involves her sharing me, when she had just got me ! I felt bad for having yacked her ear off about it without more consideration for her feelings! She's an amazing woman and I'm in no way discontent with her... Of that I try to constantly reassure her!

So now at this point we speak openly about the topic and fairly comfortably... Most times it's more like me cracking poly jokes or teasing her about it... For instance during our prayer time this morning as we were writing down things we felt the need to be in prayer about (the kids, finances, etc) I had her also write down "direction"! :) ... She said, "Direction for what?" I just smiled and said, "Oh I don't know, for our family and where God wants to take us!" Lol She gave me a playful ornery yet cute glare with a half smile and replies, "u huh"! ... But I won cuz she still wrote it down on our prayer list! Lol jk

Anyways, God is good and has plans for our family, of this I'm sure! My wife and I are committed like you are as well to LISTEN and HEAR what God wants for us and allow Him to direct our paths!

Reading Proverbs 3 this morning was perfect... "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall DIRECT your paths!"

God bless you and your family JAG!

Welcome back JAG. I agree, this is a road best travelled together, should go much more smoothly than saying "hey get with the program here!"
Thanks all!

rustywest4, really appreciate the Proverbs 3 and your heart toward LISTENING and HEARING what God wants for us and allow Him to direct our paths.