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Where is purpose in our families today?


New Member
We have been looking for a sw for a little while now and have noticed the different motivations for people. From what we understand Plural marriage is about efficiency in achieving a purpose. Whatever your purpose is ask yourself does this maximize your ability to acomplish it. We believe we have callings and purpose not just as individuals but as families as well. That is our motivation effiency in purpose. maxiumize love, support, security, time, energy, and etc. for a common purpose that brings fullfillment and happiness to us all. What we haven't found is a sense of purpose in those who have contacted us. I Believe if you Have a higher purpose in your family it is much easier to live this way because you realize this family is about more than self or him or her it is about purpose. Alot of families live without purpose today so I would guess one wife would be sufficient, even with purpose one could be sufficient, but 2or more would be about efficiency. I believe we need To emphasize the role purpose plays in plural marriage. Come on men you are our heads give us your direction and let us help achieve it. Give us a purpose for our families, it might cut down on the petty issues that come with poly families. To the couples that are looking let the potential know you have a purpose and she has a place in it. Keep us in your prayers and we love the board, really been enjoying it.
I really appreciate your very insightful post. Even though you guys are in the Deep South, any way you could make it to the Springfield retreat?

the eldest among my wives has a great saying we often hear, "many hands make light work". She joined us when she was beyond menopause, and having lived all but a couple years of her adult life alone she was very happy to be part of a family with a greater purpose. With 5 children at home and living in monogamy when she first joined us basically as a nanny, we soon grew to appreciate her presence, and she appreciated feeling she had a sense of purpose and accomplishment in helping us raise our children. Our two youngest children were conceived and born while she was with us, and those 2 daugters bonded with her as much as their birth mother. She is now, and alays will be a part of our family, no matter where we, or her are. Some of those children are grown and on their own now. They each say they did not appreciate her presence in our home at the time, but looking back, they now all say her contribution to our family is very much appreciated.

paul "faithfulfather"
Way to put a fire under us men! That was very well written to give vision. It's not just about hitting the target as it is about hitting the bulls-eye.
And what you wrote hit the bulls-eye.

Blessings to you