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Wisconsin Farmers


New Member
We are a Christian family with 7 children. Five are still at home. Dennis & Angela desire to add another lady to our family and raise more Christian children. We homeschool and live on a farm with 11 cows, 202 chickens and 11 goats. We also have a cat, dog and four turtles. The turtle aquarium is in our bathroom but the dog and cat stay outside. We just got a small greenhouse, so hope to have an increasingly large garden. We put in some blueberries and strawberries this year, and are growing food for the animals.
Angela graduated from Liberty University THg Biblical Studies and works from home online so she can spend more time with the children. Dennis is a self employed mechanic with two shops. Our goals are to pay off our land and go off grid with solar. We are also thinking about building a milk parlor and milking more goats. We may also build a kitchen next to it for professional packaging of goat cheeses and other goat milk delicacies.
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Nice to meet you folks!
Hubby and I both grew up milking goats, and we're living the rural life too, raising our family in rural central Arizona.
We have mostly sheep now, and have found sheep milk is our favorite. We keep other animals like chickens and a couple mules.
The orchard is one of my favorite places, partly because, unlike the garden, you don't have to worry about pulling all the weeds. :)

I'm sure it would be fun to chat sometime. Maybe I can try and remember the Tuesday night ladies chat!

Hope you find the forum and all the good people here a blessing.

Welcome to Biblical Families! You could get lost for hours trying to read all of the amazing information here. Lots of folks are very interested in off grid life and homeschooling here. My husband and I have no desire to live off grid, but we do homeschool our 2 boys. If Angela want to join us Tuesday night for ladies chat, it's usually a great time to get to know like minded ladies.
Hiya FL! Glad you decided to post an introduction for a proper welcome! Let me or FollowingHim know if you have any issues, ok? I think you'll find quite a few people here that either are or wouldn't mind being off the grid. personally, I love being in Omaha, but I do wish I had more land and independence from the grid. The grid is darn convenient though and I do like fast internet, lol!
Hello Wisconsin, we're working on getting off-grid as well. We don't have anywhere near as many animals as you do though. Maybe we can talk homesteading sometime.
Thanks for all the welcomes. I have been taking Dave Westbrook's Country Living University. So far I haven't really learned anything huge since I have already been working toward most of what he has talked about, but I feel that I have made a lot of progress over the last six months that could probably be attributed to the classes indirectly. I think it is mostly just changing my focus to be more in tune with what my goals have been all along.

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You'll definately fit in here, you're not the only one with an off-grid lifestyle. Welcome!

Wisconsin is pretty country, I was born across the river in Minnesota, but haven't lived there in half of a lifetime.