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Woman treated better after adopting 1950's style of dress


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Real Person*

A woman who changed her style to wear 1950s style vintage clothing has revealed men now 'treat her differently' since transforming her wardrobe.

Brooke Stretton, 24, from South Yorkshire, became fascinated fashion from the 1940s, '50s, and '60s after watching the classic film Grease.

After watching the classic high school musical, the content creator developed a deep admiration post-war icons including Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe.

'I got my first 1950s dress a year ago and I wore it round the house,' she said.

'I mainly wear 40s, 50s and 60s clothes. Growing up I loved musicals such as Grease and Hairspray and I guess that is where my inspiration came from.

'As soon as I go off in the dress, I hear good things, and everyone was really pleased.'

Read the rest of the article at the link!

Thought this was worth sharing!

Read the rest of the article at the link!

Thought this was worth sharing!
Totally not suprised.

Just by looking at pictures she looks like somebody with style which implies higher class person. No wonder.

Would just take home such women.
Feminine clothing, and the broader category of pleasant feminine behavior, help encourage positive masculine behavior.

There is something nice about the 40s, 50s, and 60's style, but I think it is much more about the feminine nature of the dress. She would probably get similar results if she wore new, yet still classy dresses.
She’s lovely, feminine and beautiful looking with that style. Big fan!
Yeah she is pretty and good for her and her fitness signals etc.

Far more interested in the fact that it could be a less physically fit woman dressed in a similar elegant style and still draw eyes. The two hoochie types dressed like strippers that the woman passes on the street were at least fairly fit as well but my reaction is more of sneer for making themselves look cheap and available.

Yes modest but also elegant and stylish. Just an entirely different energy to woman in various types of dresses that translates to more attractive.
I suspect woman know it and enjoy that vibe based upon the sort of energy I see on woman who dress nicely in public verses those who are signaling via packaging themselves as sexual objects
Since I grew up in the 50's and then was (duh) alive through all the changes in women's clothing since then I may be able to explain why 50's clothing is more desirable for a lady. As mentioned above - it IS more decent clothing than often seen on the streets and in the offices and stores today. But that is not what makes it better to my view. The 50's clothing was more "perky". Exciting, happy, bouncing, etc. Not showing every sexually enticing tidbit of a woman's figure, but instead made her seem more beautiful, blushing, perky, exciting. I still remember (though my memory is growing dimmer) the beauty of women's clothing "back in the day".
It's probably because it looks like she's got money. It's also a huge genre on YouTube and Instagram and "in" right now. And, well, European culture is different and still puts emphasis on how people are dressed.

I suppose that could be an element but to my mind it simply looks like she is better. Certainly better than the two hoochie types we see her passing.
Less about me being my mean ole judgemental self...though there is plenty of that on tap if needed...it is more to my mind about class signaling.
The public sees here as a different class in their midst. Yes the clothing but much of it is the body language and confidence that the better clothing helps here to achieve...it brings out more life energy as it were and people pick up on those signals even if they are not sure what they are looking at.
Would that we all started to dress better and exude more vibrance.

Very much including myself in that really but I am changing composition at a rate that says wait another 6-9 months before spending a fair amount one some plumage...and that is it...my goofy ass stumbled on it on accident.
The girl suddenly has great plumage with dressing well and much of it is attitudinal.
The 50's clothing was more "perky". Exciting, happy, bouncing, etc. Not showing every sexually enticing tidbit of a woman's figure, but instead made her seem more beautiful, blushing, perky, exciting.

That is very much the energy that I picked up on as well.

I don't remember her face or figure beyond fairly trim and healthy but I do recall the apparent energy from the quick glance of the clip.
That perky positive energy is quite attractive