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World Net Daily headline: "Next frontier? Polygamists..."

Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
While this topic (the NH abomination, "equal access to marriage" - but only in opposition to God) has been referenced in other threads lately, today's banner headline on World Net Daily is worth a special look.

They also feature a poll (albeit without a choice which references the Bible, of course) on the topic.

Here are the links:

Next frontier? Polygamists demand multi-sex marriage
Activists: New Hampshire plan embeds bigotry into state law


With the rising popularity of same-sex marriage, is polygamy next?

http://forums.wnd.com/index.php?pageId= ... wResults=1


While Joe Farah has yet to publish any of the several "letters to the editor" I have written him on this topic, over a period of several years, he did finally respond to me with a series of email discussions on the topic a year or more ago. (Clearly the topic goes against his personal bias; but after I confronted him on that specific issue I was at least able to respond directly and privately to the points he raised -- all of which regulars here would know by heart.)

I attach here yet my latest letter to WND on today's issue:

Subject: Both the Courts and NH have it BACKWARDS
(as does today's poll, Joe!)

Editor --

Scalia gets only partial credit for his dissent about State-sanctioned abomination in the 1996 ruling:
"You can't. There is no difference," he wrote. He is correct that the ruling was a mistake. But he is VERY wrong to claim that there is no difference.

What has happened is exaclty what the Bible long ago predicted: a nation which has forgotten God now calls "good, evil", and "evil, good".

The truth, largely ignored by most supposedly "Bible-believing" churches, and utterly ignored by a pagan society, is that polygyny is sanctioned by God in His Word, while male homosexuality is REPEATEDLY not only forbidden, but called "abomination". As most Bible scholars know - even if they try to ignore such clear teachings as Ex. 21:10 and the twelve tribes of the patriarch Israel - is that God does not provide guidance on how to do something He forbids! And He most certainly does not call Himself a husband of two wives (in both Ezekiel and Jeremiah, for those who care to look it up) if to do so is sin!

How ironic that those who repeatedly engage in modern "serial polygamy" get prime-time TV shows, or Washington pensions, but those who actually try to PROVIDE for a second woman in a Covenant relationship risk jail time.

Those who doubt that the Bible teaches the opposite of NH and the Courts should check out Isaiah 4:1-2 for a glimpse into where this eventually leads.


Mark Call
Niwot, Colorado

PS> When I wrote you a series of exchanges on this topic a few years ago, Joe, I was at a different email address. As you probably know, I have written Vox Day / Theodore about this a number of times as well.

"If you love Me, keep My commands."
-- John 14:15
I'm glad your on top of representing the Godly people in this situation. Thanks for getting that leter out.
Joe won't print it, however...

(Aside: this is somewhat 'funny' to me. As I said, I did manage once to engage him in a mini-debate by a series of emails; other than that, he has published other letters I've written -- some of which may have disagreed with his position -- but NEVER one on polygyny. Many editors or pundits claim to give preference to "opposing opinions". But I have come to believe that on THIS topic, the more "pithy" that opposing opinion, the less likely it is to see publication! ;) )