Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon and Ephesians.
Outside of the Bible (when I have time to read) I enjoy Nicolas Sparks’ books.
This isn’t an easy question!!
So, definitely, ONE of my favorite books in the Bible is Proverbs. When I was in high school and in charge of our youth group’s “message board” in the foyer, Proverbs never failed me in regards to good, truthful verses to post. But, tomorrow I may have a different answer!
As for OTHER books... I can’t say just one. It’s a toss-up between “Persuasion”, “Jane Eyre”, and “Anne of Green Gables”. Even just giving you three was difficult!![]()
I love books. All books (well, almost all...). I can't really pick one outside of the bible.
The book I'm currently reading is in the After Cilmeri series, which is based on people who head back in time to Wales in the 13th century and stop it being taken over by England. It is fascinating reading, and as always it's marriage that sticks out to me, as having a 40 year old and a 20 year old marry is no big deal then, nor is the taking of women in war etc. It's just a fictional story of course, but it makes me wonder what things were like when Solomon was writing proverbs, and David was writing his psalms. How different were things then? How much have we changed since then? Things are drastically different now, but has it only been the last 100 years that has changed so much?
I do read for pleasure, but my brain goes overboard with thinking ha ha!
If we're talking the bible, then my favourite book is Revelation. I can't tell you why, and it's rare that YHWH instructs me to read it, but it really grabs my attention.
Favorite books: The Time Traveler's Wife, PS: I love you, The Notebook & The Green Mile. The Harry Potter series.
I enjoy reading through Shakespeare's, some Stephen King, and Poe's stuff.
Honestly, I will read, mostly, anything that I can get a hold of or am interested in.
As far as the Bible I enjoy reading Esther, Job, Phillipians, 1st Corinthians, and Revelations. I have a ton of different stories I enjoy reading over and over again, too.
There are TOO MANY to mention, although I will tell you that my all time favorite series is The Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. This is kind of similiar to Sarah's series with it being time travel to the past. A 1945 war nurse travels back in time to Scotland before the war of Culloden and it travels with her and a highlander through the early settlement times of America.
I love reading autobiographies, biographies, and historical books about home and women studies.
One of my favorite bible books would have to be Genesis. So many great stories, and, I really like the begats. I am terrible at the name pronunciation but, I love to see all the lineage and be able to go back and say oh he is from that line.
As for a fav. of any other books, I have sooo many.Reading through here I just kept saying, oh that one is sooo good! So, I will just pick a few in no particular order. The Last Lecture by: Randy Pausch, Coop by: Michael Perry, and I am ridiculous when it comes to Amish romances.
I'm currently slogging through Moby Dick. My last grapple was with Anna Karenina. Absolutely wonderful. And Paradise Lost was some of the best pre-marital counseling that I received 7 years ago.![]()
I want to start the little house on the prairie series with my kiddos here soon![]()
At times, yes. But mostly just because I'm getting it done verrrry slowly. I do good if I read a chapter a week, you mean it in the way that it is a chore to endure it?
I want to start the little house on the prairie series with my kiddos here soon
Well, they've pretty much turned to pot, *sigh*.I haven't heard of the After Cilmeri series, will have to look into them!
I'm certainly not offended. On the contrary I think the lack of intelligent thought behind what most Americans regurgitate and call their ideas, beliefs, and opinions is sad and offensive.Well, they've pretty much turned to pot, *sigh*.
So here's the thing, don't get offended by this everyone, but Americans in general have this idea that their country/freedom/political system/society is perfect and it must be inflicted on everyone else. You see it really strongly in missionaries, but also just in anyone you talk to on the street.
The people in this book are mostly American, and so they've decided that they need to change Whales. Of course they want to make penicillin etc and work on cleanliness, but they also want to change the whole political system. Lets add in democracy, and the same government structure, and a bill of rights. While we're at it, lets give women the vote and put them into higher places in society.
In fact, the whole thing is becoming very feminist. Every single woman mentioned is a strong woman that is intelligent, wants to be in charge, and is super good at fighting. Yes, lets get the queen of England with a bow and arrow and leading all the archers on the castle wall when they're attacked. That's very realistic.
And now they're trying to get vaccinations sorted.
I am trying to look past it all, because I do enjoy the books and the story and I want to know what happens in the end. It is getting a bit frustrating though.
Lol, yeah that's my thoughts too. I think part of the problem is that what people grow up with and are taught in schools they think is normal and right, so they think that this will actually be best for everyone else. It's hard to take a step back and look at everything critically and it requires the type of thinking that isn't taught in public schools. I was speaking to someone recently who was worried about starting home schooling because they hadn't finished high school so didn't see how they could teach their children, and I said that all they needed to teach their kids was how to read and to question everything. Teach them to look into everything, to think outside the box, to come up with new ideas, to not go with the status quo. You don't need any qualifications to be able to do that.'m certainly not offended. On the contrary I think the lack of intelligent thought behind what most Americans regurgitate and call their ideas, beliefs, and opinions is sad and offensive.
Trying to spread what Americans call freedom is really an open assault on the freedom of most other countries.
Let's help other countries be get permits for everything....and pay taxes on everything.....and vote for the lessor of evil politicians who will make laws that benifit the big corporations, and vote themselves pay raises.
I better stop before I get going. Lol
I could not agree more. Well said!Lol, yeah that's my thoughts too. I think part of the problem is that what people grow up with and are taught in schools they think is normal and right, so they think that this will actually be best for everyone else. It's hard to take a step back and look at everything critically and it requires the type of thinking that isn't taught in public schools. I was speaking to someone recently who was worried about starting home schooling because they hadn't finished high school so didn't see how they could teach their children, and I said that all they needed to teach their kids was how to read and to question everything. Teach them to look into everything, to think outside the box, to come up with new ideas, to not go with the status quo. You don't need any qualifications to be able to do that.