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Algebraic Polygamy: A = B = C


Real Person
(Written absolutely tongue-in-cheek, at the insistence of my gnomish alter-ego sidekick Sir BumbleBerry, but with, perhaps, a grain of truth ... :lol: )

A simple algebraic law of mathematics goes something like this:

If A = C, and B = C, then A = B​
We're about to apply it for fun ... :roll:

Proverbs 19:14 said:
Houses & riches are an inheritance from fathers, but a prudent wife is from YHWH.
A good wife = a gift / investment / inheritance from God, our Master / Lord. A = C.

Matthew 25:13-30 is the story of the talents. The master gave to each servant at least one talent.
A talent = a gift / investment / inheritance from God, our Master / Lord. B = C.

It therefore follows, algebraically, that a prudent wife = a talent. A = B.

And what is the good servant supposed to do / accomplish with his talent?

Back to the story of the talents, Matt 25:13-30. He is supposed to double the investment. Refusal to do so constitutes dereliction of duty!
Therefore, it is the duty of a man who is a servant of Christ and has been entrusted with the talent of a prudent wife to acquire a second and stand prepared to present this increase to his Master on the day of Reporting / Judgment.

And there you have it! Mathematical PROOF of not only the validity but the MANDATE OF POLYGYNY in the Biblical Family ... :lol: :lol: :lol:
I... get it. It makes sense. It's so obvious. Thank you.

However, wisdom dictates that I not attempt to use this as a conversion factor. That level of deviation at this time will place me in a differnet domain with alternate subsets. The array of problems would explode exponentially.

(you knew this would happen. :) )
Sure nuff. It was just for fun...

Tho I've been known to tell people that the Bible is so pro-poly that it's bias shows up in even such mildly absurd ways. There is no equivalent and logically valid argument AGAINST, that I've seen. All arguments against have such massive holes in them that they pretty much fall down under their own weight.