• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Biblical Families "Introductions" ministry


Staff member
Real Person
Since the newsletter is delayed again (retreat issues - maybe tomorrow), I thought I'd give those of you active on the forums a head-start on the big news:


I suggest sending your comments and questions to the email address for the service: introductions@biblicalfamiles.org
But you're welcome to post some general comments in this thread.
(You're also welcome to get started taking advantage of it.)
I like your position on this service and the way you're starting it (ie from the position of protecting and offering help to women). The idea of suggesting families look for women to help, rather than looking for another wife goes right along with the Biblical idea of servant leadership. Jesus said (and demonstrated), "He who seeks to be the greatest must be least and servant of all." I believe this applies to men in marriage as well. As heads of their households, men shouldn't be doormats, but they should be actively seeking to provide for the real needs of all those for whom they are responsible. So this idea of starting with a Biblical ideal is brilliant as it starts the relationship right from the start to function in the precise way it should. Plus, having other like-minded Christians invested in the relationship will make it less likely to veer off into all kinds of undesirable things, since every party will have someone to turn to for feedback. I hope God will bless your efforts to promote strong families.
Beautiful, Nathan. Just beautiful.

I agree with Cecil’s remarks completely. I love the way you have worded the practical side of this (look for the needs and met them), as well as the care taken for single women. May God’s hand be upon this effort.

ok well i sent my info in..please put me to the top of the list ...lol REALLY i am getting lonely out here..
Nathan7 said:
Since the newsletter is delayed again (retreat issues - maybe tomorrow), I thought I'd give those of you active on the forums a head-start on the big news:

http://www.biblicalfamilies.org/int...ss stories? Is it worth sending our profiles?
Well, Biblical Families has introduced a few people, some who decided not to get married, and some who are still married. But what we have found is that we are more comfortable introducing folks who we have met at a retreat or otherwise have a relationship with. I'm sure we will continue to do that in the future. So just pure "send in your profile" match-making is not what we will focus on. To add to this: we get a lot more families sending profiles then single ladies (just a few a year), so it's unlikely we will be able to introduce the few women who do want to participate with Biblical Families and Introductions to families that we haven't met - when we have plenty of quality families that we have met who are waiting for the right person.

We still think the best course for most folks will be to meet someone in your own local sphere, and share the idea of PM with them, rather than rely on any online service, our own very limited one included.