• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Biblical Families @ MySpace


Real Person
Hey everyone!

Just letting you know that I set up a MySpace page for Biblical Families:


If you use MySpace, or know someone who does, feel free to add Biblical Families as a Friend or a recommendation.

OK - I guess I'll be the first to admit it;
I am neither 99, nor any multiple of twenty-something...
and I have resisted most pop-web-stuff, particularly when it involves music ads and a requirement to register before seeing the content. (And, yeah, I did note that it came up with some tailored ads for me, based on a recent web search I must not have deleted any cookies for in a timely fashion.)

So I went to the BF link above (thanks) but noticed that it won't let me see anything other than the first page without logging in.

(The last time I entered my birthday into an on-line site, it was evidently so my "sign" could be calculated and displayed. While I wasn't wild about that, I guess using the BD for more nefarious purposes would be still worse - especially with a valid email. I have never bothered to set up a "throw-away" email yet. I guess I do see that not everyone gives their full name, even though the "rules" seem to require it.)

I can see where some other ways to interact with other folks like we have here would be nice.

So -- anybody able to give us stick-in-the-muds a bit more reassurance or guidance?
Unfortunately, no. I have both MySpace and Facebook accounts, although I don't really use the MySpace account anymore. They're nice for finding old friends and keeping in touch with current friends and family in a more graphic and immediate way than with email or snail mail. MySpace is good for finding local musicians and musical events. I was told that a Facebook presence was essential to my consulting business, but I haven't seen any benefit so far.

As far as electronic busybodies, I don't worry about it anymore. (Was Steve Taylor quoting someone else when he sang, "Since I gave up hope, I feel a lot better?") I am tagged and tracked in almost every conceivable way, and there is very little I can do about it outside of dropping off the grid altogether. So I gave up on that, and try to just do what's right for me, my small family, and my community. There's a lot of gray area there, unfortunately, especially when Uncle Sam and Big Brother want to tell me what's right and ensure that I do it their way. :x So I try to be aware of what's approaching my right hand and forehead and fly under the radar when it matters most while still trying to function in "the system." It's hard to tell where the compromises end and the Compromises begin.