Ny oldest daughter called to inform she's getting married in December and that I'm welcome to attend if I want. It's actually not a bad match and I'm going to give my blessing even though they're not asking for it.
There is a lot of damage in our relationship though and she has all the silly ideas you would expect of a modern 19 year old raised by a particularly misguided woman of a certain kind.
If you would please pray that she will be enlightened and awakened and that her husband will be prepared for what is coming st him. The young man is jumping in the deep end.
There is a lot of damage in our relationship though and she has all the silly ideas you would expect of a modern 19 year old raised by a particularly misguided woman of a certain kind.
If you would please pray that she will be enlightened and awakened and that her husband will be prepared for what is coming st him. The young man is jumping in the deep end.