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Blog About Plural Marriage Needs Your Input

Mark Driscoll's (Mars Hill Church) post on polygamy (that "The Urban Pastor" linked to elsewhere), is even more direct, but with the same old tired arguments:


Should we take note that more pastor's are feeling the need to "address" this "problem"?? I wonder if any have had an anonymous member point them to Biblical Families...
I saw Pastor Marks post, too, Nathan, but he did not have a place for comment.

Aw, well, I posted a reply. We'll see how he reacts.
Ha - I see freebird found TUP's blog too. I wonder how long he'll tolerate comments from us before closing/deleting!
Yup, some good stuff there already. It will be interesting to watch, and see whether Bereans are encouraged.
I checked the TUP site again this AM. It says my second post from yesterday is "still awaiting moderation". (This is essentially the argument from "Hit Me With Your Best Shot"; perhaps he doesn't have a rebuttal; it's taking quite a while.)

Just out of curiosity - does anyone else see it up there? Maybe it's a typo/bug that the note is there.

Anyway, somehow I missed that "Is Polygamy Biblical" site this time around. Like Doc, I didn't see a way to respond - probably just as well. I saved it, however. It's probably the biggest, most succinct CROCK I've ever seen on the topic, and would make a great parody (too bad the author is probably too blind even to see it).

Example: (can you spot the single word in each item which has been changed?)

Is Polygamy Biblical?

- The disaster of monogamy is illustrated by Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:3 and 3:12. None of these occurrences [sic] was godly or good.
- The Bible repeatedly shows that marriage is wrought with favoritism, fighting, jealousy, and mistreatment.

Oh - and this Big Lie is too good to miss:

"Just because something is in the Bible does not mean God approves of it!"

Of course, He has a consistent tendency to actually TELL you when He disapproves.

"Hint, O you-who-presumes-to-teach:
Words like "Thou shalt not", and "abomination" are the tipoff."
Mark C said:
I checked the TUP site again this AM. It says my second post from yesterday is "still awaiting moderation". (This is essentially the argument from "Hit Me With Your Best Shot"; perhaps he doesn't have a rebuttal; it's taking quite a while.)

Just out of curiosity - does anyone else see it up there? Maybe it's a typo/bug that the note is there.

Anyway, somehow I missed that "Is Polygamy Biblical" site this time around. Like Doc, I didn't see a way to respond - probably just as well. I saved it, however. It's probably the biggest, most succinct CROCK I've ever seen on the topic, and would make a great parody (too bad the author is probably too blind even to see it).

Example: (can you spot the single word in each item which has been changed?)

Is Polygamy Biblical?

- The disaster of monogamy is illustrated by Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:3 and 3:12. None of these occurrences [sic] was godly or good.
- The Bible repeatedly shows that marriage is wrought with favoritism, fighting, jealousy, and mistreatment.

Oh - and this Big Lie is too good to miss:

"Just because something is in the Bible does not mean God approves of it!"

Of course, He has a consistent tendency to actually TELL you when He disapproves.

"Hint, O you-who-presumes-to-teach:
Words like "Thou shalt not", and "abomination" are the tipoff."

I couldnt find your second one
Thanks, that article was quite interesting, even if perhaps not surprising.
(I do take such 'hit pieces' with a MAJOR grain of salt, at a minimum, since they are often as not directed at those who are actually inflicting some damage to the works of the Adversary. But, given the fruit we have already seen, that situation appears unlikely in this case. He is obviously welcome to respond here on BF, even if we are given no such opportunity there.)

I'm posting an update from another thread here as well, since it applies:

[This] "Urban Pastor" thread is more interesting, although I have not yet seen any indication that he will post my more thorough debunking of his position. (It is similar to the 'Hit Me With Your Best Shot' summary that I prepared for the FAQ & home page intro here.) I added two more posts this AM, one essentially challenging his resistance to responding to such challenges directly from Scripture, and another (which I indicated to the moderator he was free to keep private, if he desired) that pointed him here. (And in particular to the comments on that Driscoll piece, since he allows no response, and TUP had bemoaned being "outed".)