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Change ME


Several years a go I was reading a book called " The Power of A Praying Wife" by Stormie O'Martin. (Great book btw)

Anyhow she talks about how she used to pray that God would change her husband because he was not living up to what SHE thought he was supposed to be doing for God! She said that one day while praying she realized that it wasn't that her husband needed to change but that SHE needed to.

She said that then and there she started over in praying with her husband with a simple three word prayer, " Lord, change ME".

I too as a struggling wife a few years ago prayed this prayer and discovered that the Lord God changes in some amazing ways!

I have seen my heart, my desires, my feelings and emotions, my attitude, my friendships and my marriage change drastically. I was all for the GOOD of ME and my husband.

I realized that when my heart looked at things differently so did everything else.

Have you had a Change ME moment? Would you care to share?
Nikismom said:
Several years a go I was reading a book called " The Power of A Praying Wife" by Stormie O'Martin.

Stormie O'Martin's books are fabulous!
I'm not married yet but I've had several "Change ME" moments. They aren't relegated to just married women...the basic principles work in all manner of relationships. I highly recommend her books! :)

Last year, while still brused from my abusive husband and just simply angry, I had a talk with a woman that I completely judged badly simply because of the way she lived and looked.

This woman was a very young and married with two one year olds, 9 months apart, and a young husband that did not seem very friendly. This young couple lived in this dirty, run down/falling down trailer that looked like it dropped out of the sky next to my home. She and her husband even looked dirty, but her girls always looked exceptional!

Anyway, the conversation we had was about how "SHE" changed her behaviors for the good of the marriage. She said she had been reading these books on how to be a good wife, blah blah. Well that was my thoughts then. She told me this book said that she needed to realize that the husband was the head of the household and that she needed to be in the home and take care of it and the children and be their for the husband without unnessissary arguing or fighting. That it was her duty as a wife to make him happy and comfortable so he can to the job that he is supposed to do for the Lord.

Well, can I just say I just laughed and told her that she was completely wrong. I mean, for this girl who is almost 11 years younger than me, can she really know what she is talking about? All I was thinking was who in the world is brain washing her? I just could not believe what I was hearing. I did all those things for my husbnad, but with no success. I did everything I could to persuade her that a marriage is to be completely equal. But she did not skip a beat when it came to what she believed.

A little time had passed and they ended up moving away and just after that I got seriously injured at work. I became completely depressed and bed ridden because of it. I almost dropped out of college, I mean I was a mess. I then started writing a blog that inturn, got me looking into the Bible for answers on what in the world was wrong with me.

In some way I think everything that happened was God's plan to smack me in the head and wake me up because once I started reading (just reading the scripture) my eyes were open to so many things. So that was my "change ME" moment. I still slip and fall many times, but I know I will soon find my way.
jsw said:
That it was her duty as a wife to make him happy and comfortable so he can to the job that he is supposed to do for the Lord.

It isn't our duty to make anyone "happy"...mainly because we can't MAKE other people happy. :)
In Ephesians 5 we are taught that a wife is to submit to the authority of her husband and that the husband is to submit to the authority of God. Wives should serve their husbands, encourage and support them in many ways...as husbands also serve their wives in many ways, as well. Marriage wasn't designed to be a "co-equal partnership" but rather a "team" with a strong Godly husband (leader) at the helm. Women and men are equal in personal value and worth...but husbands and wives hold uniquely different roles within the family unit. God designed the various family roles to compliment each other, as opposed to competing with one another. :)

Haven't read the book, but am open to reading it. I have had many "CHANGE ME" experience, from being delivered from an addiction after meeting my husband to letting go an attitude that kept me in an "inferior" mind-set. All in all God is waiting on us to ask for help and change will follow! Thanks for the post and book!