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Christian Pastors Pledge "No More State Marriages"


Real Person*
Therefore, in our roles as Christian ministers, we, the undersigned, commit ourselves to disengaging civil and Christian marriage in the performance of our pastoral duties. We will no longer serve as agents of the state in marriage. We will no longer sign government-provided marriage certificates. We will ask couples to seek civil marriage separately from their church-related vows and blessings. We will preside only at those weddings that seek to establish a Christian marriage in accord with the principles ­articulated and lived out from the beginning of the Church’s life.

While I like the quote that you actually used, and also really agree with the sentiment to disassociate "holy matrimony" and "civil union", I would point out that actually reading the marriage pledge as they have stated makes me think that those drafting the pledge would not be considered on "our side". The repeated use of "one man, one woman" leads me to think that they would not necessarily recognize the biblical authenticity of plural marriage.

Still, I like some bits of it!
Yes I agree that polygamists would be regarded as heretics by many who formed and signed the pledge.

They believe in traditional marriage, the trouble is that their tradition doesn't go back far enough ;)

But apart from that, I see it as a useful step in the self-awakening of parts of the church, in regards to the depth with which it has entangled itself with the state.

also as I read more of that article, I see that they are more about making a statement of their religious separation, but still implicitly expect their newly-church married couples to waltz on down to the courthouse and sign the government papers.

they don't discuss the possibility of a church-married couple not proceeding with the implied second step.

I wish they raised it as a hypothetical. I mean, what if a couple got a church marriage, and wanted to go to the courthouse but there was heavy snow and it was impossible to cross the town. So they stayed the night in the motel next to the church, then went to the courthouse the next day. did they sin that evening? [see how wicked I am to have thoughts like that]

seriously though, the question for the pledgers is, are their church couples actually married (yes of course we know they are, but maybe they don't); and if the answer is yes, then it raises the question of the necessity of the second step.

but as for me and my house, we will never get a state marriage again.
This is it. This is what I knew would happen. My government has gone so far afield that the brethren that still have a functional conscience have to consider doing things without government approval or forms. However, to maintain coherence, we'll have to shed any traditions that do not actually have their roots in scripture, and rediscover teachings that we've ignored for... ugh... thousands of years... It's a good thing that with God all things are possible, because I would've definitely packed it in a while ago if I thought men could fix these problems.
ylop said:
but as for me and my house, we will never get a state marriage again.
Same here. Samuel and I actually discussed getting divorced at one point. Not splitting up, but just getting out of the paperwork we had signed that we now don't agree with. We don't believe marriage is at all what the papers say. Certianly not homosexual marriage, and certainly not with a divorce 'out'.
So we looked it up. It turns out we have to actually physically live apart for two years before we can get a divorce. Obviously that isn't at all an option, so it makes it impossible for us and we're stuck.
So let me agree once again with you Ylop when I say, but as for us and our house we will never get a state marriage again. We will certainly be discouraging our children from getting one too.

(BTW, when Samuel mentioned doing that I totally freaked out as I didn't want to be divorced from him at all, even on 'paper'. But now that we can't do it I'm just pissed off and I want to! Women! *rolls eyes*)
Re: Christian Pastors Pledge "No More State Marriages"

lol @ FH2. Your last paragraph cracked me up! Meanwhile, 2 years? Wow, that seems long. It also seems that is more of the government having waaaaay too much control over someone's personal life. How is it their issue? Why even regulate that?
Re: Christian Pastors Pledge "No More State Marriages"

@Untold glory....They're the government. It's what they do. They are fairly powerless without something to hold over your head.
I, for one, don't understand why a couple would want a 3rd "outside" party in their marriage agreement. If there needs to be a contract between the couple, let them write it, leaving the STATE completely out of their life.
All you preachers know that if you advocate to your congregation, not to get a contract "marriage license" with the STATE, your ticket will be pulled immediately.
I respect anyone that will obey the Creator, rather than men.
On a more pleasant note, there's no reason to get a divorce when you become aware of the bad contract called a marriage license. A contract is a meeting of the minds, with all facts of the contract well understood by all parties. Hardly anybody understands the underlying adhesive contracts of the marriage license, it's the STATE'S secret. But, since all the facts was not before you, the contract is void, therefore, you can void any contract by making an Affidavit and sending it to the proper parties, stating; "My signature does not appear on any document, "Security Instrument" known as a Marriage License, between the 2 of you, recorded on the day "date recorded". A copy to the COUNTY REGISTER, the COUNTY RECORDER'S office, the BUREAU OF VITAL STATICS in your STATE where the license was recorded, and the BUREAU OF VITAL STATICS in WASHINGTON D.C.. You have now made the contract of no effect, by withdrawing your signature from it.
This is not intend to be legal advice, but for educational purposes only.
