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Consent of the first wife required?

I remember the first time I brought it up to my wife 3 years ago, the look on her face GOT my attention. I took the I love her to much to lose her route. We went to our first retreat this year together, we had a GREAT time.
If he requires consent, he’s not the head.
But it isn’t a simple process. If wife/wives aren’t on board his home may not be in order and it should come to his attention before adding any more people to his covering.
I’m grateful my husband has included me and trusts me be a support as we as a family follow him on whatever path the Lord leads on. More children or more wives is a burden the man bears greater then that of a weary mother and wife. Just my opinion.
I can see it now:
And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest [to be] with me, she........

But some people do operate this way.
To be a bit more transparent- I don’t think it wise for a man in this day and age to assume he is the head. Husbands and wives have unknowingly shackled themselves to the culture. Monogamy, feminism, and Churchianity to name a few. Good grief I don’t even want to know what else has shackles on us!!
To the praise of my LORD and my husband, I’m grateful he has treated me as the weaker vessel and helped break some of the shackles we accepted. I thought I was a submissive wife, I’d agree he was the ‘head’, until Plural Marriage had gone from “it’s not considered sin in the Bible, but it’s not for me,” to “if God would allow I’m open to another wife.” My thoughts were- pffff, he cannot do that to me. But, through a series of events before hand both DH and God has helped me SEE, where I was wrong.
So, the thought of some things concerning pm are now a bit nerve wracking, but I understand my role a bit more, my husband’s a lot more and I honestly pray for the desires of my husband’s heart be met.
I like to turn the tables when things get overwhelming for my pea brain. So, here goes a table-turner. If @Verifyveritas76 was already married would I choose to mary him, as a second or third wife? For those women that are struggling, think about it. Would you covenant with your husband again, but not as the first? Would he ask me again with the way I have lived the last 20+ years of marriage? I can’t answer for him, but my thoughts became very sobering.
I will give more of my turn-table answer later. Just think about what is true, lovely, and of a good report concerning covenanting with your husband.
Is the consent of the first wife required before a man takes a second wife? I cannot find a biblical basis for that being a requirement.
No, a wife’s role is to submit to her head. If the master of the house decides to marry a second he can and if the first objects I believe scripture is clear.

“Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die. Give the water no passage; neither a wicked woman liberty to gad abroad. If she go not as thou wouldest have her, cut her off from thy flesh, and give her a bill of divorce, and let her go.”
‭‭Ecclesiasticus‬ ‭25:24-26‬ ‭KJVA‬‬
Is the consent of the first wife required before a man takes a second wife? I cannot find a biblical basis for that being a requirement.

For sure not. God would have never gotten Israel's consent to admit Gentiles to the Kingdom, after all.

Opinions may differ about what is and is not a smart play, but that is all strategy, which is and should always be between a man and his Master.
“Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die. Give the water no passage; neither a wicked woman liberty to gad abroad. If she go not as thou wouldest have her, cut her off from thy flesh, and give her a bill of divorce, and let her go.”
‭‭Ecclesiasticus‬ ‭25:24-26‬ ‭KJVA‬‬

I was wondering how I had never heard this verse before, and then after checking up on it I released it was a part of the Sirach.