• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

CONTEXTile Mill-ing Around

Keith Martin

Seasoned Member
Real Person
I'm about to share an experience from the middle of Saturday night/Sunday morning that began as a wonderful dream and, after a brief transition, became one of the worst personal nightmares in recent memory. I spent most of Sunday processing it -- by myself, with wife Kristin, and with our daughters. If you consider dream states to be irrelevant to theological or spiritual matters, please feel free to bow out. My belief system asserts a Sovereign God, and the operative definition of 'sovereign' to me includes understanding that everything happens according to His Will and that everything is from, of, to and about God. Also included in that understanding is faith that, while God rarely speaks to us in English, He does speak to us in nearly everything that impinges upon our lives. I take that to the point of believing that nothing is accidental or random in dreams and that, instead, everything in our mental night life is directed by His Hand and intended to speak to me. I therefore analyze any dream I remember, holding surrendering to The Lord's Will as my paramount concern but also utilizing tools from Freud (wish fulfillment; etc.), Jung (archetypes), Adler (boundary concerns), Perls and others in those analysis processes, including an analysis framework that asserts that every single aspect of a dream represents an aspect of oneself. Keeping all that in mind, here goes:

The setting of the dream was a 3-story abandoned textile mill somewhere in the American Southeast, an edifice we purchased about 8 years ago back when Felix and Mercer still lived with us (in reality, we have lived in western Pennsylvania since 2003), for the purposes of living in it while coordinating a major renovation project with the intention of reselling it as condominiums for a huge profit by the time our youngest, Holly Hannah, graduates from high school (2022); the setting was also generally the present time frame, with Kristin and the girls living with us at the ages they are now. Renovations were close to wrapping up, early in fact. Contrary to the more typical timing of my dreams, this one traversed more than 3 months in time without seeming like anything was skipped over, so it must have occurred in something like fast forward, as I would estimate that approximately 100 days were experienced as occurring in normal time over no more than 5 or 6 hours time as I slept. The 100 days spanned from mid-August 2018 to late November 2018.

The dream began with a woman contacting me on the Biblical Families web site, stating that she had privately noted during the early August conference in Tennessee that our family was one she might want to join, that she had already engaged in a variety of conversations with other Biblical Families women -- both in person and through chat and email contact -- in an effort to get their impressions about Kristin and our family, and that she had already read enough of my posts here on biblicalfamilies.org to consider as worthwhile pursuing me as a possible husband. [Suffice it to say that I recognize this to be blatant wish fulfillment in dream form.] The woman was some form of single, and her parenthood status was never discussed between us, but in the dream I assumed she was a mother, for a reason that becomes obvious later. (Later, upon waking, I noted without any hesitation that she was also a very clear combination of three different individuals in our lives.)

Chat communications and phone calls ensued between her and me, between her and Kristin, and eventually included group phone calls that engaged the girls as well. Early on we addressed our concerns, given that it was where our association was initiated, that Biblical Families might consider any courting to be a violation of prohibitions against using the biblicalfamilies.org platform as a dating site (even having a conference call with several site administrators [did any of you dream of participating in such a phone conference?] that eventually resulted in a blessing [more proof of wish fulfillment]). Ultimately, all five of us agreed that she should come spend a full month at the textile mill to determine if we clicked in person. Most of the remaining dream section of the nightmare featured this face-to-face exploration, including conversations sometimes more dominated by the girls than by the other three of us in raising and discussing concerns. By the time the month was drawing to a close, Kristin told me privately that she was absolutely convinced that she was ready for the woman (whose name was never spoken) to become part of our family and that she would leave it up to me to decide when to declare that to our new friend. Both girls had also indicated to me privately that they were eager to have her in our family, as well as to meet their new siblings.

I spent the evening of Kristin's permission-giving alone with the woman. She was very receptive to being asked to join our family, suggested that we sexually consummate the marriage immediately, and we did so (which, unusually enough, I actually experienced fully in my dream). Afterward, we departed from the 3rd floor room where she'd been spending her nights to bring the news to Kristin on the 2nd floor, where our bedroom and most of our living quarters were located. The intention was to have a meeting of the three of us, eventually bringing in the girls into the process, for the purpose of sealing/finalizing commitments among the three of us. The woman and I were walking down the long middle corridor toward the opposite end, which was where Kristin began walking toward us from the kitchen. It was at this point that the dream hesitated and then turned into a nightmare [only upon reflection did I recognize that my own internal state during the dream created the shift, in response to a fleeting doubt]. Those of you who attended the men's session at this summer's conference may remember that I stated that I was personally 100% ready to come out to our small-town community about seeking Biblical polygyny, but it's clear to me that this dream state instead reflected something more along the lines of a 99% readiness on my part. Yes, even most of the 1% hesitation is based on sensitivity to my wife and daughters' fear of social stigma, but whatever the internal emotional mix for me, it's clear from the dream that I continue to possess some hesitation, because, as I walked down the hallway hand-in-hand with the woman, and as I saw Kristin walking toward us with a big smile on her face, I had the sudden thought that I should stop for a second and once again consider if this was the best thing for my family.

Immediately, I heard a voice behind me demand that I turn around. When I did I was face-to-face with the person I'd hired to supervise the renovation team, accompanied by two workers. From that point forward, any other workers present did not speak as such to me, limiting their vocalizations to grunts and supervisor-affirmations accompanied by head-nodding, but the supervisor asserted that we had a problem with the renovation project, because they had discovered that the floors were rotting out and that emergency overtime was required to prevent the whole project from being short-circuited due to structural collapse. As he spoke, I noted that beside him and leading back to the right of most of the distance the woman and I had already walked was a large, ragged oval hole in the wooden floorboards, about the size of two average living rooms. I glanced above (to what was the floor of the 3rd floor) and observed a number of varying-sized similar holes, all of which had quite obviously been recently created with the use of axes, hammers, chain saws, etc. I immediately assumed that the small-swimming-pool-sized hole in the 2nd floor had been created in a similar manner. The supervisor went on to demand that I immediately increase the hourly wage of every worker, hire additional workers at this elevated rate, begin paying them all overtime, in response to which I confronted him for extortion. During the argument that ensued, I kept looking back and forth between him and Kristin; I began waving her off to stop advancing, but it was as if she couldn't see or hear me; she just kept coming toward us with a big grin on her face, oblivious to danger. Each time I looked back at the supervisor, he had twice as many men standing around him, all staring at me menacingly, all wearing tool belts, and all wielding in their hands at least one implement of destruction. Early on in this incremental doubling, I whispered to the woman as I continued to hold her hand that I would create a diversion that would draw the supervisor's attention toward me and completely away from her, and that during that diversion she should slip away to a nearby exit and flee the entire properly. I let go of her hand, began to walk quickly toward Kristin, yelling for her to run away, the supervisor focused on this, directed some of his minions to encircle Kristin, and the woman successfully escaped. She was never again a tangible part of the nightmare.

The supervisor escalated his demands, quickly asserting that he and his men were prepared to expose our family's attempt at creating a plural family to our small-town community (which he called by the name of our actual town here in PA but which is a name that probably exists in every state in the Union). When Kristin, by this time very frightened but also very angry, told him to go ahead, that we would survive whatever stigma they placed on us, the girls appeared, both crying, but they were much more worried at that point for their safety than for their community popularity. The supervisor then asserted that we would never realize any financial gain from renovating the property, because they were committed to ramping up the destruction to the point that the property would be beyond worthless, eliminating not only a profit but the loss of our initial investment. By this point, while that might have bothered me, my only remaining concern was for the safety of my family members, and, as the number of menacing men increased over the course of ensuing weeks into the hundreds, the supervisor added that he was going to kill all of us if I didn't do as I was told. My mind subsequently became entirely occupied with creating a solution to this nightmare that would allow Kristin, Naomi and Holly Hannah to escape so that any wrath would be solely focused on me, even if that were to include my death. I entirely stopped caring about the profit, the property, any embarrassment or anything else. All I cared about was saving my three family members, because the other woman was already safely away from the scene, and the men wouldn't be able to even torture her location out of me, because I had never learned from her where her own home town was.

At this point, Kristin woke me up to let me know that we only had an hour and a half before the motel's check-out deadline, so I didn't have the opportunity to return to the dream/nightmare (as I had done earlier in the night when I'd needed to get up to relieve the too-much water I'd consumed prior to bedtime).

My question I'd like ya'll to ponder is this: no matter what the cost related to the blackmailing workers, if I had ended up being asleep long enough to play out the conclusion of the nightmare, and if I had successfully accomplished saving not only my family but myself as well, would I then be married to the other woman, even though she, Kristin and I had never gotten to the point where we had completed any written or spoken permanent covenant, I had never sought nor received a blessing from the woman's father, and I had thus never paid any dowry or other bride price?

I'm asking that as a very serious question.

I have other questions that stem from the processing done in the wake of the dream/nightmare, including:

  • What is the overarching meaning of the dream/nightmare?
  • What could God be trying to tell me through this dream/nightmare? (Kristin's opinion is that, a la Pacific Heights, our Father is warning us against making future renovation-oriented real estate investments.)
  • Should I abandon my pursuit of plural marriage? If you believe so, please articulate how you reached this conclusion related to the dream/nightmare.
  • Who do the menacing workers represent? Why could only one of them speak?
  • Would the menacing men have made their threats if I had experienced absolutely no mental doubt about what I was doing?
  • Would the menacing men have made their appearance if we had created a written covenant prior to having sex? Would it have made a difference if the covenant weren't signed?
  • What is the significance of the holes in the floorboards?
  • What does it mean that the woman disappeared and never reappeared?
  • Does the fact that I experienced with the woman in my dream the full sensations of lovemaking mean either that I have committed adultery in real life or that I have caused the woman to be an adulteress in dream life? Do any of these potential consequences bleed over in real life to any of the three real-life women who formed the dream-life composite woman?
  • What if any message is this dream/nightmare conveying about my leaderships abilities as a husband?
  • What reflection on my priorities is represented by the fact that I saved the other woman but not my wife or daughters?
  • What relationship is there between this dream/nightmare and the fact that I recently developed a formal intention to seek two additional wives rather than just one?
  • What -- other than reflecting our desire to move to a warmer climate -- might it mean that our home was inaccurately located several states away from our current home?
  • And, of course, if one of the men had dealt me a death blow with his sledgehammer, would I have died in real life?
My very first thought upon awakening was that this might very well be a straight-up message from our Heavenly Father that I'm supposed to abandon my intention to find other wives. This conclusion, however, failed to hold its own as the day progressed and as I was reminded of other things -- not to mention after Kristin pooh-poohed it, focusing on the hostage-extortion aspect and inspiring me to consider the possibility that this could have been Father's exhortation to keep our focus on finding kind women of God who will mesh well with and provide pieces currently missing in our family.
Your dream, it's for you to understand.

If you were to have followed the story further, you would have. Or you will. But you didn't — Kristin woke you — so just take it as it is.

For a moment I wondered if "textile" in the thread title referred to "textile-free" living, a.k.a. nudism or naturism. "Mister Martin, tear down this mill!" ha ha. Again, not for me to know.
I have come to understand that dream interruption is really based on how it makes one 'feel' when they rerun it over and over in their mind after having it. What are the emotions it brings out in you, what do you feel is being said to you. I would say the questions you ask are for you to answer. Not at all being disrespectful, just thinking that you understand your life and how these things apply. What is it in all that do you fear the most? I believe dreams are us trying to piece our physical world together.

But then again, I have no clue what I am talking about. :)

Thank you for sharing your personal dream. It was interesting to read.

Oh, and another thing. I believe as you do that there is a reason and a purpose in everything that happens to us. To the point, when I read your dream I looked to see if there is something in there for me just because I read it, it makes one apart of it. The dream may not have been entirely for you. You felt the need to post, so there might be a larger audience it was meant for. Not sure at all, it's just possible. We worship an amazing God, and anything is possible with Him.
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no matter what the cost related to the blackmailing workers, if I had ended up being asleep long enough to play out the conclusion of the nightmare, and if I had successfully accomplished saving not only my family but myself as well, would I then be married to the other woman, even though she, Kristin and I had never gotten to the point where we had completed any written or spoken permanent covenant, I had never sought nor received a blessing from the woman's father, and I had thus never paid any dowry or other bride price?
So I'm not conceited enough yet to think that my opinion or understanding totally matters, but in the spirit in which this thread has been posted, as a brother, I'll give my .02. Take it for what its worth.

IMO yes to the question above for the following reasons.
She was very receptive to being asked to join our family, suggested that we sexually consummate the marriage immediately, and we did so
What you have presented (IMO) in this narrative is demonstrated intent for marriage by both parties. This is apparently the topic discussed and the terms agreed upon between the two of you, followed by consummation. What concerns me in the narrative is that she left and didn't return or stay to face the music with the new family. IMO a covenant, father's blessing, dowry and bride price or betrothal process is relevant only in how it speaks to and demonstrates intent. None of them are the magic bean that combined with consummation makes a marriage. Any of them (including a conversation discussing the terms of marriage) followed by consummation = she belongs to you (provided she's not a damsel and under her fathers covering) The primary drawback to this approach is with her never returning, its your word against hers as to whether or not she was actually participating in a marriage or fornication.

What is the overarching meaning of the dream/nightmare
Count the costs for following Him, and never turn back. Be willing to give up everything but your immediate family.

What could God be trying to tell me through this dream/nightmare?
Many things possibly. Perhaps create a cutout between you and your investments

Should I abandon my pursuit of plural marriage?
Follow His leading wherever that takes you.

  • Who do the menacing workers represent? Why could only one of them speak?
  • Would the menacing men have made their threats if I had experienced absolutely no mental doubt about what I was doing?
  • Would the menacing men have made their appearance if we had created a written covenant prior to having sex? Would it have made a difference if the covenant weren't signed?
  • What is the significance of the holes in the floorboards?
Outside influences.
Yes, No
Expect loss caused by others trying to tear down your house. Its all about the storm. The storm comes in various forms. Sometimes its in a great wind, sometimes its a flood, sometimes it's family (internal and external) sometimes its the culture and the community around you. The only thing that saves the house in Matt 7 is the foundation. Build your house on The foundation and be prepared for an incredible storm.

What if any message is this dream/nightmare conveying about my leaderships abilities as a husband?
That we can all be better. Half of the getting better is a vision for what could happen. Utilize the vision to prepare and fortify both your family and your assets against the storm.

That's all I've got. Blessings
But then again, I have no clue what I am talking about. :)

Thank you for sharing your personal dream. It was interesting to read.

Oh, and another thing. I believe as you do that there is a reason and a purpose in everything that happens to us. To the point, when I read your dream I looked to see if there is something in there for me just because I read it, it makes one apart of it. The dream may not have been entirely for you. You felt the need to post, so there might be a larger audience it was meant for. Not sure at all, it's just possible. We worship an amazing God, and anything is possible with Him.

Thank you, Cap, not only for making me laugh but for putting a useful twist on this thread: I like what you write about how there is always something that makes us part of something just from being exposed to it.

We do worship an amazing God!

Thanks again.
So I'm not conceited enough yet to think that my opinion or understanding totally matters, but in the spirit in which this thread has been posted, as a brother, I'll give my .02. Take it for what its worth.

And it's worth a lot to me. Your opinion and your understanding matters to me.

What you have presented (IMO) in this narrative is demonstrated intent for marriage by both parties. This is apparently the topic discussed and the terms agreed upon between the two of you, followed by consummation. What concerns me in the narrative is that she left and didn't return or stay to face the music with the new family. IMO a covenant, father's blessing, dowry and bride price or betrothal process is relevant only in how it speaks to and demonstrates intent. None of them are the magic bean that combined with consummation makes a marriage.

Bingo! When I decided to write out the dream/nightmare, my hunch was that it would lead to clarifying something the we seemed to be stalemated about in the Marriage Begins with Sex thread -- and you have accomplished clarification on that issue already, right here: I get that you're saying that sex just isn't enough. We have to agree to disagree, because I'm under the thrall of a religious insight I had many years ago that God intended for sex to be among His most sacred creations, intended furthermore to create the responsibility of a permanent bond. But I do love what you've written about how you want some purposeful intention to exist along with sex, while providing some flexibility about what those indications of purposeful intention can be ("None of them are the magic bean").

Thank you, @Verifyveritas76.
I thought that might be the case. It’s not at all that I believe that sex means nothing. Quite the contrary. But if sex alone equals marriage, the all sex is either adultery or marriage. There would be no such thing as fornication.

I’m also very open to seeing the passages and reasoning behind the sex alone equals marriage. I’ve heard about it off and on for years but never seen anything that even gave me pause or reasonable doubt.
I thought that might be the case. It’s not at all that I believe that sex means nothing. Quite the contrary. But if sex alone equals marriage, then all sex is either adultery or marriage. There would be no such thing as fornication.

I’m also very open to seeing the passages and reasoning behind the sex alone equals marriage. I’ve heard about it off and on for years but never seen anything that even gave me pause or reasonable doubt.

a. I know this will be me returning to beating the already-dead horse, but every time anyone uses the phrase, "sex equals marriage," in any of its forms, the person who does so is distorting the discussion into being something that it didn't start off being. The thread over there wasn't about whether sex equals marriage; it was about whether marriages start when sex occurs. We're not looking for what equals marriage, because only marriage equals marriage. We're looking for what it is that most commonly would indicate the when of when a marriage begins. Which happening most clearly points to a relationship being a marriage? And, it's also important to note that we're having the discussion in the context of what we believe to be God's view of the matter. So some of us are asserting that that happening is more likely to be sexual consummation than anything else, because that is what God defined as "becoming one flesh."

b. I think you're confusing the terms 'sex,' 'adultery' and 'fornication.' Adultery is just one category within the bigger category of fornication, which refers to all sexual sins. As I've mentioned in another thread, the current Western definition of adultery is an even smaller category of sexual sins than was considered to be the case in Israel's definition of adultery (their definition included anything sexually-related that produced humiliation for its victim). Back then 'adultery' was the largest category of sexual sins. Not so much now. In the Bible, 'fornication' refers to all sexual sins, but in our corporate catholic/protestant religious environment these days, we tend to inaccurately look at adultery being something that involves at least one married person, whereas fornication tends to mean having sexual intercourse occur between people who aren't married to anyone. This was not the case in Old Testament times, as fornication covered everything from adultery to unmarried cohabitation to prostitution to bestiality to masturbation to near-kin unions.

c. No one, and I mean NO ONE, is saying that sex alone equals marriage. If that were true, marriage would just be a series of trysts, sperm donations, mutual masturbation, french kissing and incessant fondling. No talk. No cooperation outside of sex. No need for agreement. No disciplining one's children. No card playing. No movie watching. No shared meals. Just sex. If you're trying to understand how anyone can believe that sex alone equals marriage, you would spend the rest of your life trying to find someone to argue with.
Hmmmm, there's a lot to unpack there all the way around. I can say this, the construction workers were only speaking through the forum because he was Satan and they were all doing his bidding. That's probably as far as I can get.
And if not Satan himself and his minions, then certainly they represent those who allow themselves to be dominated by evil.
I think you should have pulled a Nebuchadnezzar and made them tell you the dream and it’s interpretation;)
Yeah. I did that as a fraternity brother with new pledges one year in college. After they'd been required by the pledgemaster to stand up and sit down in response to Greek-language cues, I raised my hand and then told them I was thinking of a word and then just asked, "What is it?" For a while, I just sat back and watched them one by one ask to be recognized, whereupon they began guessing the word. [I think maybe the word was 'nail'; just kidding.] Putting them to death might have been kinder. [And, yes, I will spend an extra measure of time in the lake of fire for such antics. Hey, maybe the nightmare was introductory punishment for those past sins. ;)]
No one, and I mean NO ONE, is saying that sex alone equals marriage. If that were true, marriage would just be a series of trysts, sperm donations, mutual masturbation, french kissing and incessant fondling. No talk. No cooperation outside of sex. No need for agreement. No disciplining one's children. No card playing. No movie watching. No shared meals. Just sex. If you're trying to understand how anyone can believe that sex alone equals marriage, you would spend the rest of your life trying to find someone to argue with.
I’ve found him and have been debating this for the last little bit. Unless I’m just misunderstanding what he’s saying, @ZecAustin is saying just that. That any intercourse with a virgin = marriage. Intercourse with anyone not a virgin is adultery because since she already had sex she’s already married
But just because you don't doesn't mean you get to have sex with her consequence free. Sex equals marriage.
As far as the dream goes, seems to me the main and plain is that no one—not you, not nobody—should underestimate the world's hostility to biblical marriage. Plans should be made accordingly, particularly plans involving financial planning. As a sidebar, it occurs to me to wonder whether your awareness that you're in a SE state has something to do with the proverbial 'bible belt' and the intensity of opposition there.

I get that you're saying that sex just isn't enough. We have to agree to disagree, because I'm under the thrall of a religious insight I had many years ago that God intended for sex to be among His most sacred creations, intended furthermore to create the responsibility of a permanent bond. But I do love what you've written about how you want some purposeful intention to exist along with sex, while providing some flexibility about what those indications of purposeful intention can be ("None of them are the magic bean").
Try this:

By God's design, sex should be an act of joyful love and pleasure between a man and a woman celebrating life together and celebrating life, generally, in the act of procreation, and all this fun and creativity should happen within the context of a lifelong commitment (including a commitment to themselves, their offspring, and their community to rear such offspring to be productive, honest adults). By man's design, men and women both will take advantage of each other and misuse sexual activity for personal gain or gratification. Not only will they have sex outside of such a lifelong commitment just for the fun of it, but they will actually :eek: lie to each other :eek: about their intentions to get what they want.

Consequently, while humans perfected in love would never dream of taking advantage of each other or misusing God's gifts, the humans we actually have to deal with on a day-to-day basis require some boundaries. Hence the various guidelines and laws we have in place to protect the innocent from the predators, or in some cases to protect two connivers from each other and from themselves. None of the 'solemnities of marriage' that we use to ensure that everyone involved (including the community around the two actors) knows what we're getting into with sex is a magic bean in itself, but neither is sex itself a magic bean. Sometimes a f*ck is just a f*ck. The solemnities are there to try to limit that sort of activity from happening as much as is possible in a fallen world, and particularly to keep people from changing their tune after the fact.

I could keep going and work this out with specific bible verses, but I think the people who are going to get this have already figured out where I'm headed and done the math in their heads.
PS - I see a chicken-and-egg dynamic at work here. We understand that sex is supposed to exist within the context of a committed relationship, so we believe that individuals shouldn't f*ck around without undertaking such a commitment. All the solemnities are there to ensure that two people contemplating the desirability of 'doing it' understand what's at stake. To the extent we argue that sex alone seals the deal and the rest of the stuff is superfluous, we are actually undercutting the seriousness of the act, because we are making it easier to 'get away with it' without actual commitment. My two cents....
My very first thought upon awakening was that this might very well be a straight-up message from our Heavenly Father that I'm supposed to abandon my intention to find other wives. This conclusion, however, failed to hold its own as the day progressed and as I was reminded of other things -- not to mention after Kristin pooh-poohed it, focusing on the hostage-extortion aspect and inspiring me to consider the possibility that this could have been Father's exhortation to keep our focus on finding kind women of God who will mesh well with and provide pieces currently missing in our family.

As someone who is a bit of a noob when it comes to prophetic words, and who is only tacking on to the excellent answers others have already given, I just wanted to say in encouragement:

Remember that God does not condemn us anymore if we are in Christ. This is something I've had to wrap my head around, because the Church in general loves judgement and condemnation (just like the Israelites did when they asked for the Law).
The purpose of ANY prophecy should be encouraging and exhorting us. If you are feeling/reading negative criticism/threats/condemnation into any aspect of your prophetic dream, that's either the enemy or your own human fears putting a spin on it. But the Holy Spirit does not speak to us in fear, but in the fruits of the Spirit.

I hope that is encouraging. I say that only because this:
Should I abandon my pursuit of plural marriage?

Sounds like exactly questions I have asked after hearing something or seeing a vision I didn't understand. I don't know exactly how you're feeling in this, but... just remember that if we are seeking union with Christ (as your prophetic dreams would certainly suggest you already experience!), then our wants and desires are getting aligned with His. We may not always carry them out the BEST way possible, but He also blesses any action we take in faith. And sometimes He even changes the plan when we ask! Think Mary asking Jesus about the wine. At first He didn't want to but He changed his mind when she asked again. Not that God is two-minded but that He works with our requests and desires when they align with His. If God has placed PM on your heart and you have these kinds of dialogues with Him about it... if God really wants you to do something different He can communicate that clearly. Try asking Him, I guess (if you already have, sorry!). But though I don't know you at all, that is not at ALL the message I get from your dream.

I agree with your assessment that the shift in the dream was related to your own lapse in faith (not a criticism, just quoting you). BUT, remember that God doesn't condemn us for that. That's just ou own fears getting in the way. It doesn't mean the rest was a lie, it means the way you saw it was tainted.
And some may have differing opinions on this but I would strongly suggest that blackmail is not actually a sin. Nowhere is there a punishment listed for bribery OR threats. In fact some folks argue that's exactly what Jesus did to stop the people stoning the woman caught in adultery (started writing out private sins that caused them to fearfully walk away). The new Law is Love. Would it have been loving of you to allow those men to take the second wife away? Of course not. You had a responsibility to her at that point that trumped any sort of care for these antagonistic enemies. It's the whole 'lying to the Nazis to protect Jews' fallacy.

[more proof of wish fulfillment]
Just because we desire something that God indicates He has for us is not reason for worry. Our spirit is in union with His, remember? As we renew our ways of thinking (like about poly!) our desires align with His. If we want something and God shows us to it, the only reason to then doubt MORE is out of believing a lie: believing either the lie that our spirit and thus our wants are totally divorced from His, or else the lie that He doesn't want good things for us. Either way, not a good basis to go off.

If you want to talk more send me a private message :)