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Convincing family and friends about PM


Real Person*
Just discovered a long thread at another forum with the title "Convincing family and friends about PM".

Here are some of the observations, see if they ring true for you:

  • Have you guys got many family/friends into PM? My bro is the only one willing...
    If you must do something by planting the seeds of a thought by mentioning somthing...(if you must)..otherwise you'll just make a 'crank' of yourself. for the most part, leave it alone. My bet is that No one told you...you found your way by yourself.... let them do the same.
    I'd like to add. If you do open your trap about PM's expect your opinion to mocked, dismissed and derided. They will mock you, ignore your advice. But they won't forget. And when PM's are in the news...expect visitors.
    Try some roundabout approaches to get the subject onto PM...
    My experience with talking to family and friends about PMs hasn't been good.The responses have ranged from a polite chuckle and no thanks to my family members who think I shouldn't...
    I know from my KJV that the proverbial WILL hit the fan, we live in interesting times! How useful PM will be when the World Government kicks in remains to be seen, however 'better safe than sorry'.
    Took me a while to convince my wife( shes the only one I "had" to as she is my wife)...Most ppl don't want to step out of their comfort zone, they are sheeple!!! other than my wife who I married till the day I die

Hmmm, food for thought there...

What was that you asked? The link?

Oh, I thought you would never ask...


All the best ;)

hmmmm..... Not really. Everyone has their own experiences. PM is a philosophy, not a practice, for me (currently), and things change when you go from TALKING to DOING. But no one's gotten on their high horse when I mention it. You can expect PM to be like any hot-button topic - people are going to have opinions. If you don't want to hear them, don't bring it up. IMHO.
You know, I actually told some of my closest friends just over a year ago now. They think I'm crazy, as in they couldn't do it. But they respect my beliefs and don't think the worse of me for it. They find it interesting and don't mind discussing it. Note that of this group there are only really nominal Christians, or agnostics. It really surprised me how well they took it!

We haven't told my family yet as it just hasn't come up in conversation. They think I'm nuts already anyway, I have 4 kids :roll: , and really I don't particularly care what they think.

My husband's family is a far more tricky one. We have talked to them about it as a theoretical thing and they do not accept it. Although hopefully his brother may be coming around to accepting that it isn't sinful. And that's all we ask. We do not want to fall out with his family over this. It's a big deal. So Samuel brings it up occasionally, just to keep them thinking about it. There haven't really been any fights over it, they just think we are wrong. If Samuel was to take another wife right now that may change though.

The interesting thing is that they didn't think we should be leaving our family size up to God. We got a lot of flack for that, especially at very difficult times when I didn't need it. Now they have come around to accepting it and stopped hassling us about it. It only took 3 years :) .
There's actually really off-the-wall advice about how to convince people, it could be useful for someone. For instance:
Took me a while to convince my wife( shes the only one I "had" to as she is my wife) at first she thought I was wasting our money, but then I bought some beer and peed infront of her.
Whatever works I suppose, women are rather weird creatures. I'll remember that one, could come in handy.
I gave up trying to convince people or to defend my position. I have come to the personal conclusion you cannot argue or debate your way into people understanding the idea of plural marriage. Even if they agree to the logic of the idea, or even agree to the Biblical truth of plural marriage, they have a mountain of cultural baggage and pressure to overcome. That can only be overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Cliche time:

A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. You can lead a horse to water, but ya caint make 'im drink.

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance — that principle is contempt prior to investigation." (widely attributed to Herbert Spencer however the quote most likely came from William Paley in 1794)

I have found the last to be the truth in life not just about polygyny.