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Does Anyone Use MySpace Anymore? Your comment needed


Real Person
I am just wondering if continuing to maintain the Biblical Families MySpace account is worth the effort?

Would like some feed back from folks.

I am on Myspace, but I use it almost exclusively to just post my blog lessons. It may be several days in between when I get on Myspace, but I am on other sites such as Facebook and my Yahoiogroup daily. I hope this helps.

I still do Doc but only about once or twice a month. I don't think it could hurt to maintain a presence there, but then again I have no idea how much time and effort is being put into it either. If it's just a small amount of time, might be worth it, otherwise maybe not. Hope this helps.
:) Kacy
Hi Doc
I am on Myspace several times per month; although, I am on Facebook almost every day. I use Myspace for keeping in touch with far away friends and other things that aren't available on FB. :)