Two days ago, I posted on a group of Christian Single Moms about their thoughts of multiple wives. They are still going strong. I was attacked by a few. Some stayed neutral while others argued with each other. One outright said that she had a right to judge me and that this was a sin. I just love how they throw in the verse of one woman and one man. (Sarcasm) Please do better then that. I basically said that all that I am hearing are opinions but no iron clad scripture given to me. I constantly reminded them of the scripture in Chronicles and also I mentioned that the 12 tribes of Israel was formed with more then one wife. I can see that some women are thinking about it. One even accused me that this was outright Mormonism and I kindly told her that Mormonism was not in past biblical times. No more response from her. My end responses are that divorce is mentioned and homosexuality but not about multiple wives. It's getting interesting