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Feel lead to go forward but how to tell family.


New Member
My husband and I have been talking about this alot and we are taking steps to talk to people and get advice on moving forward. I grew up fundamental baptsist and he grew up with out any leading in the spiritual area. He was more agnostic. His parents are old-school and not christians and mine have loosened up alot. but I have been ousted from the family two times for wrong choices. My husband and I became Christians a few years into our marriage. We have progressed in our relationship with the Lord and have been blessed with a 4 year old. We have had the constant struggle with dealing with my fibro and it is really bad fibro. Since then my husband has become more loving and committed. I am truly blessed. And I try to live up to what God has given me. I have learned so much through this struggle and am a really strong person because of it. But God has also brought me now to lean and trust on HIm. And to let my control go and trust and submit to my husband. I was the one that brought up the plural marriage to him. I believe he has had a caring heart for other women we have known in the past and has always wanted to help them and direct them in a spiritual way. But because of how we were raised never knew that was possible. Now we do and he says he would want to marry again if he knew that she was the one for him and loved her. This was after he picked himself up off the floor when I asked. I have butterflies in my stomach when it comes to telling the family or them finding out before we are ready to tell them. But we have always made our choices and went throught with them despite people being upset with us. Especially moving across country away from them, when they were pretty involved in our lives. We love them alot, but want our privacy, respect as a family and as parents. I thinks sometimes the zeal for the Lord and they way are trying to lead our family in the Lord has compromised the closeness of our relationships with them. And I did not have a closer relationship with my parents most of my life until after I was married and became a Christian. Looking for support and advice.
Also we are pretty young we are 32 and 31 and still hoping to have more children and we believe that healing will come soon in our family. My husband and I have been praying along time for this and this is the year.
We still haven't told anyone in our extended families yet... and we aren't in too big of a hurry to do so either. :lol: We figure we will "cross that bridge when we come to it." Meanwhile, the only thing I've mentioned is that my husband and I have "adopted" five new God-children into our lives, as their mother has become very close to us and has appointed us legal guardians in the event something awful should happen to her. And that is all we've bothered to explain so far....

As for sister wife's family, they are meddlers that enjoy making trouble for her. If they figured out what's up, they would surely call child protective services, and see about having the children taken away, even though we are not technically breaking any laws in our state. :roll:

My sister wife does have a very, very close friend/second mother who knows, and will keep it in the strictest confidence. I am glad my sister wife has a "real live" close friend she can confide in and talk to about her new life. The only friends I can talk with about this are people I have never met in person-- people on this forum. Ruth does not trust the internet, or feel comfortable confiding in people on the internet whom we have never met, but she realizes it is the only outlet I have at this time.

On the other hand.... we both wish so much that we could just announce it to anyone and everyone, and be free to be ourselves, with no secrets. But it just is not possible at this time.