• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Feeling like a Bozo


New Member
Hi all,

I hope everyone is doing well and ready to roll into the next month.

Well, I feel like a bozo. I "met"a guy on another site. We emailed and then ended up talking on the phone. Suddenly poof. I kinda thought he was an ok guy. The site I met him on was supposed to screen people.

A little disappointed.

Like he disappeared or turned out to be weird?

I don't know of any other sites that screen the families... Just the single ladies. I think this might be the only site that via the introduction system actually screens families to a degree. Though, of course, they can't screen those who don't fill out the introduction form I suppose...

Sorry it turned out not so good for you. :(



Well, jimmney christmas this seems to be kinda worse than regular dating. You know I have read some interesting things. Some people seem to want 2nd wives for reasons that.. well.. what's up with that?

That's kinda why I walked away from this 10 years ago. I thought a more religious group of people with moral fiber would be better.

High expectations I guess.

I'll be ok.

Christian plural marriage is something several of us explore or are willing to except. We do have families here that are searching to add a 2nd perhaps 3rd or even 4th wife to their families. I see it as God leading the heads of the families to His will. I hope you continue to read and find what's right for you.
I guess its just a matter of time and prayer.

I'm holding off on going though the matrimonial service. I guess when you know.. you know.

preciosa said:

Well, jimmney christmas this seems to be kinda worse than regular dating. You know I have read some interesting things. Some people seem to want 2nd wives for reasons that.. well.. what's up with that?

That's kinda why I walked away from this 10 years ago. I thought a more religious group of people with moral fiber would be better.

High expectations I guess.

Having high expectations is good. Just because a person surrounds themself in religiousities does not make them moral, which goes along with the "different" reasons people want another wife for.
Worse than regular dating, yeah can be.
Maybe the guy was just exploring the thought , maybe he was lying , Did you call him, have the freedom to call him? If not its an indicator he may be hiding something

waves hello to you from NH

Well, I think I'm going to have to just dump the idea of this guy period.

He hasn't called me back so.. I dunno.

Whatever.. Have another little issue with a family.