May I suggest that, at the beginning, NEITHER was acting as a child of God. And their marriage was on the rocks! Headed straight for divorce!
Perhaps justly so, although I refuse to fault him for having carefully saved for a boat over many years, and being reluctant to just turn the proceeds over to his wife who had ALSO been earning, presumably pretty well, but had chosen not to save.
However, if the marriage was to be saved, SOMETHING had to give. SOMEONE had to begin acting like Christ, and begin pursuing the one who didn't deserve saving. Isn't that what Jesus did for you and me? Call it self-sacrificing. Call it investing (my preference). SOMEONE had to do it.
In this movie, the man does it, and it is effective. However, at the end, it is revealed that the man's MOTHER had done it to his father with equal success.
So, while I can find fault with elements of the movie, and do, I would like to suggest that the point is about someone in a relationship (either the man OR the woman) deciding to get EXTREMELY Christlike in seeking to restore the relationship.
There is no guarantee of it working. God lost Lucifer and 1/3 of the angels. Jesus lost Judas. You may still lose a husband, wife, sister-wife, or child.
The appropriate question would seem to be, "Will doing the Fireproof challenge raise the odds of restoring and improving the relationship?" I suspect that the answer must be "Yes!"
Does the man need to get his house in order? Appropriate roles and authority structure? Indubitably! But I suggest that the time to teach and work on these issues is when the relationship is strong -- NOT when your spouse is filing for divorce. Spouses, like everyone else, don't care how much you know until they know how much you care!
Cecil is now throwing a marshmallow at Sir BumbleBerry to knock him off his soapbox. Well, more like a small matchbox ... :lol: