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Gay Marriage: A State Of Disgrace- (Doug Batchelor) AmazingF

Re: Gay Marriage: A State Of Disgrace- (Doug Batchelor) Amaz

Didn't see this earlier. It is a good sermon. I was very impressed that he didn't labour the "slippery slope to polygyny" idea (except a brief suggestion of gay triplets marrying), and didn't go on about adam & eve either like most preachers. Instead he stuck very closely to the actual passages in scripture that actually talk about homosexuality and which directly command against it. Very good approach.

Nothing in there to indicate that he's actually contemplating polygyny might be ok, from his brief reference to triplets I'd doubt it, but he's certainly got an excellent attitude to scripture and could quite possibly end up recognising this if he doesn't already.
Re: Gay Marriage: A State Of Disgrace- (Doug Batchelor) Amaz

Sirs, we already know about being gay and the scriptures. I have gay friends but I consider them as normal people like us (hopefully, we are normal people). I interact with them as friends. After this sola scriptura thing happening to me brought about by poly, I understood where I have to set limits. Like if they are hungry, the rainbow folks are most welcome in my table but I cannot offer them a room in my home for their privacy.

Thing is, we already know gay marriage is of satan, wouldn't it be more our style if we work to get them over to the side of God? And we can't hope for the government/s to be ever on the side of God. Personally, this slippery slope crap is just plain... crap. Simply a delaying tactic.

I have much high regard for your folks here. Like I posted before, I already know about BF like 2 years before I joined and I'm like the most paranoid jerk you will ever know when it comes to religious things. You say you are a pastor or preacher or, worse, a priest, you are off my list for Christmas. I don't want to come across as an asshole but I only want to emphasize that you peeps here are different. Fact, I was surprised later on that a lot are men of God, I thought this forum was populated mostly by non-conformist like me. On second thought, it is. :D

Thing is, should we handle issues like gay marriage with velvet gloves? Or worry about slippery slopes, whatever it is?

Okay, do I have to cringe?

Thank you all.
Re: Gay Marriage: A State Of Disgrace- (Doug Batchelor) Amaz

Pebbles: Doug Bachelor isn't a BF member. Just posted the link as it seemed interesting & somewhat related ...
Re: Gay Marriage: A State Of Disgrace- (Doug Batchelor) Amaz

I once was ordained but am recovering nicely, thank you.
I hope that that does not get me kicked off of your christmas list.;)
Re: Gay Marriage: A State Of Disgrace- (Doug Batchelor) Amaz

Sir, I would like to apologize for whatever presumptions I may have regarding this topic and our actuations towards it.

It's just that as Sola Scriptura folks, IMHO, we need to have a firm stand on gay marriage, polite, but firm nonetheless. Of course, we can't be like the Westboro peeps but it's kinda weak if we treat it like it's not such a big thing. Besides, seems like we are hoping for poly to ride on the coattails of the gay marriage agenda to get legal recognition.

This is an open forum and we get visitors.

Points to ponder:

1. Use an abomination to the marriage covenant set in the Scriptures to get legal recognition and be integrated into the System?
2. At a time when we are supposed to get out of the system?
3. On a different but related note, secular polygamy also includes polyandry and polyamory.

BTW, the husband of my wife's elder sister is also a pastor. I like and respect him, not because he is a minister of God but because of his sacrifices for his faith and convictions. He never preached to me but loved to show me his .357 magnum, which unfortunately he has to sell because he insisted on missionary work instead of serving in a big church. There was a time when he was already coughing up blood because he has to do odd jobs and pedal a passenger tricycle to get some food on the table, while serving as the full-time pastor of a very poor flock.

I respect the man, not the position. I'm still trying to reconcile with Romans 13:4. :D