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God hates sinners

bro. Dexter for YAH

Real Person
We have all heard the saying "hate the sin, love the sinner".

That is not biblically accurate. Scripture actually says God hates sinners, and it is reinforced repeatedly. The caveat is that God loves a repentant sinner who turns from his wicked way. And if we are His, which He foreknew from the beginning, He loved us while we were yet in our sins and died for us.

Forgiveness cannot be received without repentance, that cannot be stressed enough. And repentance is not without fruit or action. Fruits meet for repentance. Words alone mean nothing, repentance is lived in word AND in deed.

I happened to find 2 cents from the Book of Enoch to add to what I've already studied on this subject.

Enoch 93: 6-11

6. Woe to those who build up iniquity and oppression, and who lay the foundation of fraud; for suddenly shall they be subverted, and never obtain peace.

7. Woe to those who build up their houses with crime; for from their very foundations shall their houses be demolished, and by the sword shall they themselves fall. Those, too, who acquire gold and silver, shall justly and suddenly perish. Woe to you who are rich, for in your riches have you trusted; but from your riches you shall be removed; because you have not remembered the Most High in the days of your prosperity.

8. You have committed blasphemy and iniquity; and are destined to the day of the effusion of blood, to the day of darkness, and to the day of the great judgment.

9. This I declare and point out to you, that he who created you will destroy you.

10. When you fall, he will not show you mercy; but your Creator will rejoice in your destruction.

11. Let those, then, who shall be righteous among you in those days, DETEST SINNERS, AND THE UNGODLY.


Psalms 5:5


And more from the apocrypha:
Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 12:6 KJV

For the most High hateth sinners, and will repay vengeance unto the ungodly, and keepeth them against the mighty day of their punishment.

God has mercy on sinners, which is different than outright loving them. He extends His love, which they are able to receive if they meet His conditions (repentance). The choice is theirs to make whether to embrace His love or reject it.

I bring this up because it is a commonly held belief (misconception) I hear over and over again, and I recently countered my auntie on this very thing. After proving to her with scripture that God does not love sinners, she decided that she still loves them in spite of God. And it settled me once again that if someone clings to a belief which they claim is biblical, even if you can show them otherwise, they will reject the Word of God to hold onto their false belief. Only God can change a deceived heart.

For a detailed article on this subject matter, with exhaustive scriptural support, I recommend this:

Shalom (peace) unto you in Jesus name, in spirit and in Truth.
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Yes, I know the OT says a lot about God and his vengeance but I don't see God being vengeful. Like I do not believe that God curses anyone when they do wrong because you know what? We do a perfectly fine job of cursing ourselves all on our own.

Just my own opinion here but I think some of the OT authors felt better thinking they could blame God for their curses and then appease Him somehow with sacrifices or acts of contrition. They were just like modern people who refused to take responsibility for the consequences and curses of their actions.
Like I do not believe that God curses anyone when they do wrong because you know what?
Not necessarily. He doesn't even have to 'curse' people who rebel against His instruction, as His Word makes clear repeatedly. The 'curses' are woven into the very fabric of His creation. They are an integral part of consequences for ignoring what later scientists called "natural law". Things like Gravity, Thermodynamics, and Biology.

You violate...you die. Sometimes it takes longer than others.
God didn’t curse Adam and Eve when they sinned. He cursed the serpent and he cursed the ground. He judged and punished Adam and Eve but did not curse them. Read Genesis 3.
For a detailed article on this subject matter, with exhaustive scriptural support, I recommend this:

Does God Hate Sinners?

money quote...

“If you think God is just lovey-dovey, you had better read this (Ps.11:5) and some of the other Psalms again. GOD HATES THE WICKED who hold onto their wickedness... I do not think God loves the devil, I think He hates him, and HE HATES THOSE WHO HAVE NO INTENTION OF TURNING TO GOD. Frankly, I do not like this distinction that I hear today, that ‘God loves the sinner, but hates the sin.’ God has loved you so much that He gave His Son to die for you, but if you persist in your sin, and continue in that sin, you are the enemy of God. And God is your enemy.” - J. VERNON MCGEE, Psalms, Vol.1, p.72

God didn’t curse Adam and Eve when they sinned. He cursed the serpent and he cursed the ground. He judged and punished Adam and Eve but did not curse them. Read Genesis 3.
Only because someone else was cursed instead...

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, "Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree"
Re: After Genesis 3:1, YHVH cursed the GROUND, not 'Adam-kind':
Only because someone else was cursed instead...
Yes, the 'nachash' was cursed, but interestingly, it was 'the ground' that was cursed for Adam's sake.

In Hebrew, it "leaps off the page." The whole thing. "Adam" was created from "adamah" (ground). (And he will return to adamah...)

And in Bereshiet 3:17 He says (because you 'shema'-d to the voice of your isha, instead of Him),
"cursed is ha-adamah [from which he came] FOR YOUR SAKE."
he cursed the ground.
Did the ground notice that it was cursed?
Or was cursing the ground an actual curse on Adam?
It's the "for your sake" part that is interesting, Steve. ;) I suspect Adam caught it, even if much of xtianity seems to miss the larger point...
Yeah, I’m guessing that he took it kinda personally.
Re: After Genesis 3:1, YHVH cursed the GROUND, not 'Adam-kind':

Yes, the 'nachash' was cursed, but interestingly, it was 'the ground' that was cursed for Adam's sake.

In Hebrew, it "leaps off the page." The whole thing. "Adam" was created from "adamah" (ground). (And he will return to adamah...)

And in Bereshiet 3:17 He says (because you 'shema'-d to the voice of your isha, instead of Him),
"cursed is ha-adamah [from which he came] FOR YOUR SAKE."
Remarkable. I am certainly gaining a better understanding. Thank you my brother.