Faithful Servant
Greetings Sisters in Christ,
I'd just like to throw a challenge out there to all of us here. A challenge to step up to the plate and be true and active sisters in the family of God. True and Active in the family by heeding a call to be the "Solution & not the problem," in our lukewarm generation of Christanity. Putting on our shoes of peace, and putting actions to our usual mini lectures of Godly Submission unto our dh's. Instead of the same ol admonishing to "just be quite & obey," to actually come up along side one another offering practial Godly advice. Sharing fun/helpful tips in the lovely lost art of Godly Submission . Getting out of our usual comfort zones, to share some practial & Godly tips that are currently working in your own marriages.
So I guess I'll lead out here. For starters, God has impressed upon me to learn the lost art of knowing when to speak & when not too! :lol: Seems basic & simple right? Well not when you come from a big mouth, over talkitive family who enjoys loud lively conversations with hands & arms flying & whatnot!
I always joke that "God gave me a big mouth for some reason!" Well yes He did, to share the Gospel & be a blessing. Not to be a loud overbearing cymbal always banging!
I've applied this learned truth to my relationship with my dh as well - Go figure that this concept applies to my walk of submission.
I've had to realize that I don't have to "be heard all the time," that my way isn't the only way. I've had to learn not to be easily hurt or offended when dh doesn't need or want my input all the time. Learning to trust his ideas, direction & lead in all areas. Dh does regularly ask for my ideas & input on issues, as he truly does appreciate & respect me. Which means the world to me, as I do love him so much! I however have had to learn to step back and actually learn what it means to fully obey and submit to dh's lead, as it is suppose to be. Not for me to allow anything mind you, but to learn my Godly place in our marriage and do my best to fullfil my marital duties as God calls women of the faith to do. Again, seems like an easy basic concept to grasp. However my upbringing was abusive on many levels, as I'm sure I'm not the only one to live through such a horrible childhood. My father was very disrespectful and abusive with my mother. She was never allowed to share ideas, thoughts or have input on any level. So for me, God knows that this area of Submission is a hard area for me to grow in. Thankfully for me God has shown me much mercy & grace, and has given me direction with these issues, as I do believe that he's doing a great work in me!
There are other acts of kindness and Godly service that I try to do for my dh on a regular basis. As I'm sure many of you Sisters in Christ here also do. It would be great if you all would prayerfully consider stepping out and offer to share some Godly, fun and practial tips or ideas that work for you in your marriages. To step out and truly be the "hands & feet of Christ," by offering encouraging & thoughtful real life helpful tips to your Sisters in Christ. Thanks for considering to be a part of the solution, and not a part of an age old problem!
Warm Wishes for God's Provisions, Knowledge & Joy!
I'd just like to throw a challenge out there to all of us here. A challenge to step up to the plate and be true and active sisters in the family of God. True and Active in the family by heeding a call to be the "Solution & not the problem," in our lukewarm generation of Christanity. Putting on our shoes of peace, and putting actions to our usual mini lectures of Godly Submission unto our dh's. Instead of the same ol admonishing to "just be quite & obey," to actually come up along side one another offering practial Godly advice. Sharing fun/helpful tips in the lovely lost art of Godly Submission . Getting out of our usual comfort zones, to share some practial & Godly tips that are currently working in your own marriages.
So I guess I'll lead out here. For starters, God has impressed upon me to learn the lost art of knowing when to speak & when not too! :lol: Seems basic & simple right? Well not when you come from a big mouth, over talkitive family who enjoys loud lively conversations with hands & arms flying & whatnot!

I've had to realize that I don't have to "be heard all the time," that my way isn't the only way. I've had to learn not to be easily hurt or offended when dh doesn't need or want my input all the time. Learning to trust his ideas, direction & lead in all areas. Dh does regularly ask for my ideas & input on issues, as he truly does appreciate & respect me. Which means the world to me, as I do love him so much! I however have had to learn to step back and actually learn what it means to fully obey and submit to dh's lead, as it is suppose to be. Not for me to allow anything mind you, but to learn my Godly place in our marriage and do my best to fullfil my marital duties as God calls women of the faith to do. Again, seems like an easy basic concept to grasp. However my upbringing was abusive on many levels, as I'm sure I'm not the only one to live through such a horrible childhood. My father was very disrespectful and abusive with my mother. She was never allowed to share ideas, thoughts or have input on any level. So for me, God knows that this area of Submission is a hard area for me to grow in. Thankfully for me God has shown me much mercy & grace, and has given me direction with these issues, as I do believe that he's doing a great work in me!

Warm Wishes for God's Provisions, Knowledge & Joy!