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God's Purposes


Women's Ministry
Staff member
Real Person
I so much want to be even keeled, consistant, dependable. It at times verges on the point of perfectionism, which is not really good because with perfect expectaion comes failure then guilt. I was reading my daily devotion (my favorite one, Patchwork, page 349 :) ) the other morning and was really encouraged about my desire to "be consistant". LIfe is not about being consistant it is about being faithful in the purposes of God through the highs and lows of life. Some days are just full of hope and accomplishment while others are days of reflection and sadness. I want to see Jesus in all my days and also see the things He would have me see that day about myself, others or Him.

I thought I would share a bit of the devotion.

"I know that nothing any of us experience is pointless or useless. The good, the bad , the ugly, even the things we think will kill us-God uses it all, and he devises our destiny out of the stuff in our trash. He sifts it out, shows us the value, and then uses us to help others because of it.

When we look at the desires of our hearts in light of reality, we know none of them is achievable all the time. They're changeable, like the weather. Some days wer're content, others we're not. There are places in the world we feel completely at home, others less so. There are even days when we wonder if we have a purpose at all, and the uncertainty lingers for a while. But our desires give shape and substance to our unique essences. And when we pray out of the depth of those desires, our faith is strengthened and our fellowship with the Lord is sweeter."

Luci Swindoll, excerpt from I Married Adventure
Good stuff, Julie. I know that more than once I have wondered just how much flesh is left after walking with God for more than 40 years. Sometimes it can get pretty discouraging....

But then, I realize that it is pointless to get my eyes on myself even in my failures, because it is ALL supposed to be about the King and the Kingdom.

The "Patchwork" devotional is indeed a blessing, and I thank you once again for giving us each a copy at the Women's retreat.

See you on the chat,

PS Deborah is up in TN visiting her folks, and is having a marvelous time. The work of the Spirit in her life to restore what has been stolen continues to amaze me. She is working on a post, and hopefully it will be on the board within a few days....

I personally have a hymn or Southern Gospel song that this post reminds me of. It talks about how even though we fail He never fails. He never quits patching us up and giving us love. He never stops carrying all of our burdens. It encourages me to read the posts on this forum and gain knowledge and learning.