Hi all,
Have been trying to read as many books on plural marriage as I can get my hands on lately (going through a real reading spell!).. my recent favorites are "principle voices" (2nd time I've read it) and "the Polygamists wife" by Melissa Merrill. Would LOVE to get recommendations from others on good books to check out..looking for books that discuss plural marriage in a postive light hopefully (although I do read the negative too, such as "Escape" by Carolyn Jessop and "Gods Brothel" by Andrea Moore) and books that discuss realistic, modern plural families. I also recall several women at the Orlando retreat this past year discussing a book, maybe called "help mate"?? Sorry if I have the name wrong, hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about.. anyway would love to hear from others any good books on PM you have run into. Thanks in advance!
Have been trying to read as many books on plural marriage as I can get my hands on lately (going through a real reading spell!).. my recent favorites are "principle voices" (2nd time I've read it) and "the Polygamists wife" by Melissa Merrill. Would LOVE to get recommendations from others on good books to check out..looking for books that discuss plural marriage in a postive light hopefully (although I do read the negative too, such as "Escape" by Carolyn Jessop and "Gods Brothel" by Andrea Moore) and books that discuss realistic, modern plural families. I also recall several women at the Orlando retreat this past year discussing a book, maybe called "help mate"?? Sorry if I have the name wrong, hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about.. anyway would love to hear from others any good books on PM you have run into. Thanks in advance!