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Have you read 'Man and Woman in Biblical Law'?


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If you haven't - you need to! If you have, the author Tom Shipley requests your help in the form of a book review at Amazon - here's his note telling what he is doing.
Please, if you've read it and can give it a great review, go do so - this is an important way for us to confront the Church community with the topic of Biblical marriage.

Thanks, Nathan


I've just begun an ad campaign directed at pastors. (I have a starting list of 25,000 email addresses and about 400,000 more for sale.) Thought I'd let you check this ad out and also see if you would do an Amazon review of my book? Do you know anyone else who might be willing to post a review, as well? If so, please pass this appeal along.

This is my grass roots, bottom-up pressure tactic on the pastors. As Ronald Reagan once said of Congress, "It's not necessary that they see the light--only that they feel the heat." I believe we have come to a point where we can make the clergy feel OUR heat on this issue. I want to make this issue an issue that they feel COMPELLED to look into. A lot of good reviews on Amazon will help toward that end.

Thanks so much.

The letter:

World Famous Pastor Openly Lives Polygamously

Dear Pastor:

We don’t apologize for this rather sensational subject line, for as we know, polygamy, or better still polygyny, is becoming front page news around the world these days. We need to understand this issue biblically.
For those of us who love God’s Word of Truth, our subject line could refer to King David, Solomon, Abraham, Moses, Gideon, Jair or the prophet Hosea. For the secular and non-Christian world it could refer to many international leaders such as South African President, Jacob Zuma, any prominent Muslim leader, fundamentalist Mormons or any of the many extant cultures who embrace polygyny.
Christians are constantly exposed to polygyny, whether through direct contact or through the increasing coverage given by the sensation-driven media. Christians are seeking answers and if we don’t give them responsible, Bible based leadership then the inquiring Christian will find answers elsewhere.
Polygamy cannot remain in the preaching closet any longer.
We present to you a thoroughly researched book which has already been recognized as an essential resource on this contemporary subject. Man and Woman in Biblical Law covers all the Scriptural considerations regarding polygyny and is an invaluable reference source which should be on every pastor’s desk and in every Christian home.
Upgrade your library here: http://www.manandwomaninbiblicallaw.com
My review has been up on Amazon for a year or so now. I just reread the review and wonder if it might be time to dust off my copy. It sits right there on the shelf and has been offered to a few others on loan. Nobody has taken me up on that yet, I believe due to fear of what has happened to us becoming their fate also if they find that marriage is not necessarily defined the same in our culture as it is in the Bible.
I think the subject line of that email ad is a bit misleading unfortunately, doesn't relate well to the text and seems fabricated. Great book though. Will do a review. Good work Tom, very glad you're doing this campaign.
I just bought mine and can't hardly put it down. I have the PDF version.

I wish I had a paperback version of both books in the set.

It is fabulous thus far, I look forward to completing it...