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My wife also likes that site a lot. It answered a lot of her questions. I agree with yoderfamily that this is not a salvation issue or even a point of fellowship. We don't even ask our teenage daughters to do it as it is a sign of submission and to force it would completely negate the point. It is something we feel strongly about though.

I wish she would post on this thread. Anyone fortunate to hear her opinion is very lucky. She doesn't speak often but when she does it's always worth hearing. Hint hint, long dramatic pause leaving room for someone to chime in.
Just an observation:

When I see a woman smoking or that she has a tattoo, it is a massive turnoff and I instantly look away.

By way of contrast -

If I see a woman with a head covering, she catches my attention, as if she has a big sign on her, "POTENTIAL WIFE".

Maybe that is not quite the effect she is seeking...
Per your wishes, dear husband, ZecAustin...

Hi Sydneyv,
I'm Moriah, Zec's wife. You sound like a remarkable young woman. I would barely recognize my 20 year old self. :/

I am relatively new to head covering...about 4 months in. There's an out of state college girl in our church who is Brethren who covers. We happened to sit in back of her one day, and Zec asked her about it (quite impressive to think that although she is far from home, she chooses to continue the practice). Shortly after, the lightbulb moment hit. My mother-in-law frequents a Catholic chapel where all the ladies wear hats. She happened to wear her hat Easter Sunday to our church and mentioned the connection to 1 Cor. Lightbulb! How had I never connected the hat ladies with covering before? Similarly, how had I never made the connection between men removing their hats in church with 1 Cor. 11? That's when I became obsessed, which I frequently do with a new hot topic ;), and read everything I could. I especially enjoyed all of the fascinating testimonies on headcoveringmovement.com. And I reallllly liked this guy.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe8BZ_Lbwsc

Now it no longer became a question of 'if' but rather 'when' and 'what' which I'm still figuring out. It seems rather superficial, but I'd like to find a style that I'm comfortable wearing more full time. Right now I wear a simple lace head wrap when I know there will be prayer. What kind do you wear? Sometimes I feel like I should be covered more often than not for those instances of impromptu prayer. For example, my most recent pressing concern (okay, pun intended), I'll be having a baby in about a week. Obviously, lots of prayer is foreseeable... but do I really want to be worrying or fussing over keeping this headscarf in place the whole time? I wonder if Mary kept her head covered while she labored with Jesus... I even binged 'Amish women in labor' to see if they were wearing their little bonnets, knowing good and well, there would not be examples. I know, me of little faith. Which brings up a good point about covering. As with the other ordinances that the church observes...baptism, communion...it is a physical reminder of a spiritual truth. We can barely begin to wrap our head around God's ways. How about circumcision?! Yeeesh. Who really knows why. But I love feeling connected to all of our church history, as when we recite the Lord's Prayer. I think someone already made the significant point about the connection between the rise of feminism and the disappearance of covering. Therein lies a big clue, I believe.

One last anecdote, my mother told me a story after I talked to her about my decision to cover. When she was a new Christian, she felt deeply convicted to cover her head one night at a prayer meeting, even putting her hands over head. She mentioned it to her sweet and highly respectable man of God mentor/pastor and he told her, "some convictions we keep to ourselves." I was shocked! I couldn't believe this sweet man would have dismissed her concerns like that. She then told me that she decided it was just the Enemy trying to make her feel guilty for no reason/covering was not relevant for our time and she never had a second thought about it. Lots of conflict surrounding this issue, apparently...which goes to figure...the devil hates women...it's part of our curse. That's one reason why we need our Adams. :)
ZecAustin said:
All I can say is that verses 13 through 16 are by way of an explanation. The real command is found in verses 3 through 10. In Young's Literal Translation it says if a woman is to pray uncovered then she should be shaved or shorn. The only way this makes sense to me is if she was to wear an additional covering when she prayed. That also helps explain the man's admonition to pray uncovered, otherwise we have to start finding a Biblical standard for haircuts so we can come up with a just standard to live up to.

It just seems like the alternative is a situation where we run around with rulers making sure everyone's hair is appropriate prayer length.

I have a biblical standard for haircuts! Speaking of the Levites in what I assume to be the millennial reign of Christ, Ezekiel says in Chapter 42:

"Also they shall not shave their heads, yet they shall not let their locks grow long; they shall only trim the hair of their heads."

So at some point something very like what you suggest will be ordained by God. I doubt that they will use rulers, (although if they did who am I to gainsay) but I rather think that we are able to differentiate between:

Long and pretty girly looking hair (kome)

Long and nasty Nazarite dreadlocks

Trimmed hair

Shorn hair (which I assume to be hair taken down to the nub)

Shaven hair (requiring the use of a bic)

All of these are used in scripture and distinct from one another. I don't know for sure that Nazarene dreads were nast, I just have that opinion of dread locks.

Also I am far from having settled my opinion on this matter. I just throw this verse in to be a jerk.

I cannot deny that I have a great yearning for someone to teach me the full spiritual significance of hair and for what reasons each hairstyle has it's proper domain. As a post-modern gentile barbarian, a saying like "Does not nature itself teach you that...." completely mystifies me. My lifestyle and upbringing have apparently been so unnatural that I have to fume and fret trying to understand that which is supposed to be nature.

For a prolonged time in my childhood, my father sported shoulder length platinum blonde hair that was feathered out in classic glam rock style. (He was the lead singer in a progressive rock band). In the mid 90's he changed to black to keep current with the scene, but I can't say that the words "It's a shame" ever crossed my mind. I say all this by way of explaining the slowness with which I pick up these concepts.
This is a difficult issue, and I am unsure on the answer. However if it is for today, it is a symbol of willing submission as others have said, so is something to be chosen by a woman to follow God as she believes is correct - so I am leaving this to my wife to be convicted on if God should choose to convict her on it. Which He has not yet.

Regarding the "Does not nature itself teach you that...." statement, this video gives an opposite perspective. Basically he proposes that "nature" refers to the world system, civilisation. Civilisation teaches a man should have short hair, long hair is shameful. And all civilisations have been the same - the fact that the army requires shaved heads is further evidence, in his opinion. His position is that nazarite dreadlocks are more natural, desired by God, and they are opposed by the world so people won't choose to follow God as Nazarites. He makes some interesting points about ceremonial wigs also. I'm not claiming this is correct, but it is well worth watching this to consider a different view on it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3oIpBJ ... StFxDKfswe
FollowingHim, that was an interesting video. There are some good points of view, but the guy is pretty radical.

As you know, my husband is under a Nazarite vow, and has been for many years. I've never seen him any other way. I doubt I'd recognize him if he cut his hair and shaved! That would be so strange, although I highly doubt that would ever happen unless it was by force in the future tribulation. But I wouldn't put it past God to not allow him to be touched or hurt by the enemy that way. It is my opinion that there is Spiritual power and strength in the fact that he honors his Head, Yeshua, by not cutting any of his hair.

As for me, I do wear headcoverings at times; when I'm in specific types of prayer and/or prophetic anointing and when I've been especially attacked spiritually by the enemy. I have found that when I wear a headcovering, the angels (good and bad) do recognize that sign of submission to Yahweh and to my husband. For whatever reason that is, I know from experience that the warfare attacks from the enemy lower by at least half the strength that it was without a headcovering. Somehow, it draws a line in the sand spiritually, so to speak, as if Yahweh says to the enemy, "only this far and no farther."

Also, living daily inside the protective hedge of my husband's God-given authority and acknowledging that outwardly via the headcovering significantly reduces the power the enemy has against me. There is a protection I experience directly from my husband, as if he, himself, his authority, and his spiritual covering over me are around about me wherever I go.

I'm pretty sure that at some point in the not too distant future I will be wearing headcoverings regularly. As a matter of fact, I'm working on a design for a line of headcoverings. White for prayer and other colors and designs for acknowledging and honoring one's husband or paternal headship for those who are single, and really, any woman who wants to acknowledge Yahweh's authority during prayer and/or prophetic gifting. There is a serious lack of suitable headcoverings available, and it is my hope that I will be able to accommodate those seeking a variety of styles and colors and lengths that are easy to put on and remove and that don't clash with everything in one's wardrobe! LOL

I actually saw in the Spirit the whole way to do this from the Lord. Right now, however, He has me working on several other projects, but I truly believe that I will create a new line of headcoverings available through a website with lots of pictures and options. I think it's way overdue. I believe a time is coming when women who are seeking to represent the importance of what we were created to do and be as our husband's helpmeet will want to acknowledge their heart of submission and honor toward their God-given head by wearing headcoverings again as it was long ago and Biblically.