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Helper becomes the defacto head of household


New Member
What are we supposed to do and how should I feel, when my help meet begins to supersede me in skills and family management capacities?
So, allow me a moment to build the scenario:
  • Marriage starts out that I am the sole provider, wife stays at home taking care of the household.
  • Our family grows, along with the expenses, but I am maxed out at how much I can earn. My family is young and requires a tremendous amount of time an energy from both adults. In time, my earning and physical capacity to work and help with parenting is not enough for us to live and my wife takes a job.
  • She is good at her job because she is a Proverbs 31 woman and she begins to do more than just compliment our income, she grows and is able to make more than me. I am still dedicated to my spiritually important job and my responsibilities in caring and engaging with my family. Because I am a highly capable father/parent, she is more free to earn more of a living and take advantage of more opportunities.
  • In time and because we continue to work our strengths and opportunities, my help meet makes significantly more than I, has a more natural say in how to home educate our kids, and I have complete say over ... the chores.
The natural power of this situation now lies with her. She has the power because she has the greater expertise with the children and family. She has the power to make more financial decisions because she makes more money and has a need of increased independence. The move up in competence has given her independence and decision making freedom that the only reason for me to 'rule' her would be for my own selfish ambition to 'exert control' for the sake of it. Proverbs 31 + success+independence= no need for someone to rule or direct her.
Where is her husband supposed to fit in? As a servant leader, I end up serving more than leading because there is not much opportunity to lead. If I were to lead, I would still have to significantly defer to her in many ways because she is the more experienced decision maker for the matter.
How do I keep from feeling that I am not head of my home? How do I keep from feeling emasculated from lack of opportunity to lead or rule?
And a plural marriage is out of the question because it would depend on her allowing me out of my marriage vows. What benefit would she gain by allowing me freedom to dominate another woman and potentially risk upsetting a pretty good deal going on now?
Well a big part of the problem is that servant leadership horse apple. Get rid of that near heresy. You’re to lead her as Christ does the church. Christ is not the church’s servant and you risk all of you try and pretend like He is.

Will your wife obey you if you ask something of her? If so then you don’t have a problem. Make your presence known when it needs to be and don’t worry too much of things are humming along just fine. If not then you need to decide if this fight is one you can see through to the end.

I would point out that there is no mention of the Proverb 31 woman’s husband working, he is simply being honored in the gate. I personally think it’s a delicate balance for a married woman to have a male boss but it’s one that can be done.
Is this a hypothetical situation or?

Proverbs 31 + success+independence= no need for someone to rule or direct her.

If I were to lead, I would still have to significantly defer to her in many ways because she is the more experienced decision maker for the matter.

You've got a lot going on here. I don't know if I can answer all your questions so much as I can just:

Proverbs 31 is a great chapter, and so is Ephesians 5. If she considers a field and buys it, but doesn't submit, she ain't biblical. I too am blessed with a wife who is not incompetent, but that doesn't make her the husband when she is operating in her specialties. I think you have a weird idea of what your role is even supposed to be,

The move up in competence has given her independence and decision making freedom that the only reason for me to 'rule' her would be for my own selfish ambition to 'exert control' for the sake of it.

C'maaaaaan. Ain't you got no vision? Don't you have any goals? Anything from God? What you think it's all about? Paying bills and deciding where to go to dinner? Is this really where your head's at? Where's your family going, what's it doing what's it for?

Let me break it down for you. She's supposed to be you're helper. BUt wHaT ArE yoU DoInG?
Headship and leadership is to be primarily spiritual in nature not just in the realm of the physical. The wise leader will recognize the strengths his help-meets and utilize them to the best advantage for the family; still retaining the authority and oversight remembering his accountability to God.
The natural power of this situation now lies with her.
Perhaps, but not the divine power. God hasn't changed His order for the home.

How do I keep from feeling that I am not head of my home? How do I keep from feeling emasculated from lack of opportunity to lead or rule?
As it is written, Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves (James 1:22). Learn what God says, put it into practise in your own life and then teach it faithfully to those God has given you the responsibility to lead. If you don't do it, it's your fault. Just for the sake of example, this is how we do it. Every morning I read a Psalm and then a chapter of Proverbs for each of my wives; a Psalm so that we begin our day in praise and adoration of our God, and a chapter of Proverbs so that we are growing in divine wisdom. At night I read a chapter or more so that we are working our way through the entire Bible. As we learn and grow we put it into practise. What have you been doing since you took her as your wife? Are you in the situation you find yourself because of what you were doing in regard to God's word or because of your failure to learn and do? It's a very simple biblical principle; learn what is right and do it. That is what Paul describes in the believer as putting off the old man and putting on the new, in Eph. 4:22-24. Shalom
Its easy to fall into the “she makes enough money so I don’t have to worry about it” trap. Every adult should have their own “hustle” goin on. Even if its for pocket change/spending money.

Beyond that, every head of household has many leadership opportunities open and available to him whether he’s generating wages or not. Wise financial management and investment, as well as research and planning can consume a good amount of time and be an area that one is more gifted in than another that is very gifted in generating wages.

If you are falling into the trap of, “I’ll stay home and take care of the chores and kids because she’s making more money than I can”, without actively working to change that dynamic, Then, my friend, you are sowing a harvest you do not want to reap.

Just my .02. Welcome to the site.
If you are falling into the trap of, “I’ll stay home and take care of the chores and kids because she’s making more money than I can”, without actively working to change that dynamic, Then, my friend, you are sowing a harvest you do not want to reap.
I'll just add to this that you don't necessarily need to "change" the fact that she makes more money than you. Your responsibility as a "husband" is to "husband" her - to help her to grow to the person God intends her to be. If she has an opportunity to achieve a lot, then promote this. If she's making lots of money, how can you organise that and use it for God's purposes? How can you help her earn even more so you can achieve even more, as a team?

Is Bill Gates less important than the skilled engineers who actually make his money for him? Do you think he resents the fact that they can bring lots of money into the business? Or does he think it's awesome and focus on organising what to do with it all and how to make more?

Think of your family as a business, not a competiton. And then organise it to work for God.
Per Yah, the husband has technical authority.

In practicality he has only the authority that she allows him to have.
That’s the wicket that you are looking at, she can have all kinds of “power”, but does she abuse it? Do you need to lead her in her understanding of partnering with you and allowing you the leadership in said partnership?
The modern doctrine of servant leadership is from the pit of hell. You won't make progress until you figure out what it really means to be head of your house.

She has the power because she has the greater expertise with the children and family.

If she wasn't better than you at being a mother she'd be a poor woman and a poor helper. But that doesn't give her power to make decisions on child raising. She nurtures, you direct. CEO's don't give up their power to low level engineers just because the later are better at designing things. Different roles. Your role is to be in charge. Her's is to be helpful and obey.

She has the power to make more financial decisions because she makes more money and has a need of increased independence. The move up in competence has given her independence and decision making freedom that the only reason for me to 'rule' her would be for my own selfish ambition to 'exert control' for the sake of it. Proverbs 31 + success+independence= no need for someone to rule or direct her.

She has no need for independence, only the temptation.

It is natural for women to take a "what's ours is mine and whats mine is mine" approach to money in marriage. What has happened to you has happened to many. It is common for even the best wife to take a 'my money' mindset when she starts working; men can't allow that to take root or it will destroy everything. This is why it would have been better for you to exercise budgetary discipline, live poor if necessary, in order to allow her to continue to fulfill her role as keeper at home.

But it is possible to get back in control. It is hard, and it's much like an insurrection, but it can be done. You need to aim for the place where it doesn't matter who makes how much, you are the money manager who dictates spending. Take control of the finances.

The Biblical attitude is this: she is your helper, she works for you. When she is employed she still works for you, you've simply sent her to make money instead of , but the fruit of that is a paycheck instead of clean laundry because you've sent her to work somewhere.

How do I keep from feeling that I am not head of my home? How do I keep from feeling emasculated from lack of opportunity to lead or rule?
And a plural marriage is out of the question because it would depend on her allowing me out of my marriage vows. What benefit would she gain by allowing me freedom to dominate another woman and potentially risk upsetting a pretty good deal going on now?

Lack of opportunity? You have opportunity to rule every day. Grow a backbone. You're expecting her to just bow to you and allow you to rule. When she was a mere housewife you skated by on the natural power differential. If you want control seize it. It is the nature of women to want to be under control of a man. But if she has to give you that on a platter you're not very manly; not a man worthy of obeying. Sure, scripturally she's supposed to just submit. But she's not doing that, she's operating according to her base instincts. And they're telling her you're unsuitable to lead because you were so weak as to allow her to seize control.

In practicality he has only the authority that she allows him to have.

Legally he only has the authority she allows. But practically speaking, he only has the authority he's willing to seize and enforce. If he wants to be head of his house he'll have to do that, start pushing back on her attempts to take power and stop being nice.

I am still dedicated to my spiritually important job and my responsibilities in caring and engaging with my family. Because I am a highly capable father/parent, she is more free to earn more of a living and take advantage of more opportunities.

Your spiritual responsibility isn't to take over her jobs so she could go make money. They are to be the ruler of your household and the spiritual leader (guru) of them.
And a plural marriage is out of the question because it would depend on her allowing me out of my marriage vows. What benefit would she gain by allowing me freedom to dominate another woman and potentially risk upsetting a pretty good deal going on now?

No it's out of the question because you haven't proven yourself to be capable of leading one woman, much less two. Put poly out of your mind and focus on becoming the steward of what God has given you.

She doesn't care about the vows. If she did, she wouldn't have taken control in the marriage. And when you've proven yourself a man she wants to follow anywhere she won't care about them when it comes to poly either.
First of all welcome to the site. I am glad you found us!

You have asked some excellent questions.

Let me start to answer your questions by telling a little story. I was an officer in the Navy. In the Navy there is a very interesting relationship between a junior officer and his chief. As a junior officer they give you a little training and then they send you out into the fleet and you are assigned to a division. In this division is a chief. He has been in the Navy for 12-15 years and knows the ropes. You have the official power. He has all of the "natural power" as you call it. And you have to make that relationship work. How do you do that?

1. You have to be on the same team.
2. You have to have each other's backs.
3. You have to respect each other.
4. You have to be focused on the mission.
5. You both have to look out for the whole division (the sailors).

As a JO you have to respect and listen to the advice of your chief. On the other hand you also have to pay attention and if you see something that is not right you have to speak up and put your foot down. It takes moral courage. And your chief has to respect that you have a job to do.

Despite the lack of experience there are some advantages that the JO has in the relationship.

1. You have the institutional authority - Do not be afraid to use it when you need to.
2. You have a different perspective that the chief does. You sit in on the officer meetings with the captain. You are trained in a wide range of skills. You are not a one trick pony like the chief. You have the bigger picture, the bigger perspective.
3. You write the chiefs evals - The system is designed for him to please you and you can break his career if he does not (last resort).

The natural power of this situation now lies with her. She has the power because she has the greater expertise with the children and family. She has the power to make more financial decisions because she makes more money and has a need of increased independence. The move up in competence has given her independence and decision making freedom that the only reason for me to 'rule' her would be for my own selfish ambition to 'exert control' for the sake of it. Proverbs 31 + success+independence= no need for someone to rule or direct her.

A powerful and capable woman working for you is not a bad thing in and of itself. It only goes bad if she is rebellious. Are you happy in general with the way things are going? Or do you want to go one way and she wants to go another?

All ambition is not selfish. If you have ambition for what God wants that is not a bad thing. To be ambitious to the role of husband and father is not a bad thing. There is nothing wrong with exerting control just to practice exerting control. Direct your wife and see if she follows your lead even in unimportant things.

It is like the secret to getting your children to sit quietly in church. The trick is to practice at home with them when it is not important and you can focus on it.

Don't be fooled: women need a man to rule over them (and protect them) to be happy. All those single women who are pretending to be happy are faking it. Even if she chunks you she will want another man.

Where is her husband supposed to fit in? As a servant leader, I end up serving more than leading because there is not much opportunity to lead. If I were to lead, I would still have to significantly defer to her in many ways because she is the more experienced decision maker for the matter.

First of all leading is not optional. It is your job and duty.

As for as there being no opportunity are you saying that your family is perfect? Keep your eyes open. Where are they falling short? Work on improving that.

Leadership is positive, too. Where are they doing well? Let them know how much they please you in that area and how proud you are of them.

There is almost always something your family can do better spiritually. Are you leading them in prayer? Are you leading them in Bible study?

A (the?) primary mission of my family is for my children to know Christ. How are your kids doing in that area? Is there anyway you can improve that?

How do I keep from feeling that I am not head of my home? How do I keep from feeling emasculated from lack of opportunity to lead or rule?

Unless your family is perfect I think you can find more opportunities if you try.

And a plural marriage is out of the question because it would depend on her allowing me out of my marriage vows.

This is a complicated issue and whole threads have been created to discuss it.

What benefit would she gain by allowing me freedom to dominate another woman and potentially risk upsetting a pretty good deal going on now?

Don't worry about her. Prepare yourself to be blessed by God.

What would it take for you to be ready to be blessed? What would it take for you to be ready to be a patriarch?

Do you need to acquire additional professional skills to earn more money to support a larger family? Do you need to learn and practice organizational and leadership skills? Only you and God know for sure, but no matter what, no matter if God blesses you with another wife or not, you and your family will be blessed by your growth as a man of faith.

God bless you and your family.

P.S. I read my wife your story and she suggested I tell the story of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, which is another good example. Albert was in a difficult position as his wife outranked him, but he was a faithful Christian and knew that in matters of the family he outranked her. He ruled his home and she ruled the kingdom. And they had a wonderful relationship and she adored him and when he died an early death she never remarried and mourned him for the rest of her life.
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It is like the secret to getting your children to sit quietly in church. The trick is to practice at home with them when it is not important and you can focus on it.

Once I had a few children trained to do this I found I didn't have to teach several of the new additions (but not all); they just patterned their behavior after the old kids and if one did step out of line, an older one was there to advice.

I suspect wives will be the same way. Make sure the first one is trained well before adding another.