My wife and I for several years, ok maybe a decade or more, have felt called to a plural marriage but the timing was always off, the reasons were wrong, we were following a wrong path or my job would have been affected. Since retiring, military so still pretty young, we have moved back home and started back to ranching (I am 5th generation) and now the calling is stronger than ever and we are in a better place spiritually, emotionally, financially and settled. We have tried many sites and different venues only to feel they were fake and a door to not so good things. Biblical Families was just recommended to us by another person who said she was associated many years ago and felt it would be the best avenue for us continue our walk. We have chosen to live rather remote, be as self sufficient as possible and embrace a more heritage lifestyle. We grow a garden, harvest our livestock, hunt, fish, and most our adult children and our grandchildren (their only toddlers and babies but we still feel too young for even that) live in their own homes but on the family property and work on the ranch. We hope someday to expand our family with another wife who can see the dream ahead and bring their experiences along the journey. So there is my long winded (my apologies) hello and I look forward to the journey.