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The Revolting Man

Staff member
Real Person
Hello everyone. I have been visiting this site on and off for about three years. I found it after my marriage went very bad and I started researching Godly marriage and fatherhood in an attempt to win back my wife. I found patriarchy and christian polygamy at about the same time and they really resonated with me. The tragedy is that I discovered many of the precepts and proof texts of the movements on my own, but had twisted them to get what I wanted and they had backfired on me. I lost everything, literally, and have started back over.

To be honest marriage of any kind isn't a big issue to me right now because of my financial circumstances. I couldn't support any kind of wife, let alone two, so it would be irresponsible for me to try. Not that I haven't been irresponsible in the past but its never too late to turn over a new leaf. What really interests me and what I really feel God pulling me towards is headship. I don't have to tell the people on this board that men have abdicated their responibilities and we can all see the effects of that in the greater culture. All of us, whether single, plurally covenanted or monogamous are called to unapologetically be leaders. Finding and fulfilling that God mandated role is the larger umbrella issue for me. Marriage, monogamous or plural, can't work well without it.

Of course no one in the church at large is teaching this, although I bet most of the men on the board have had multiple discussions with men who will quietly admit to believing it, as long as their wives don't find out. So here I am to engage in the marketplace of ideas and interact with the only people who believe as I do. I look forward to talking to you all and meeting some of you if there is a retreat within easy striking distance of here.

I would also appreciate being remembered in prayer. God is crushing my very rebellious spirit and I am of course kicking and screaming the whole way.
Aaaaaawww, quit yer kicking and screaming, and just get yerself crushed , Zephyr!!! :o

Welcome. :D Despite the pic, I be the dude you met last week. Won't admit to having preached though. :lol:

Glad to see you. And we'll continue to pray for your situation to improve.

Actually, I sympathize with the kicking and screaming part. Been there, done that, keep thinking it's done and then God says, "Time to deal with the NEXT layer." :roll: But it's WORTH IT!!!
Hello, and welcome!
No way cecil I said out loud infont of my screen awww I scroll down and aperantly we agree! Didio Da Pastor.
No need to wisper around here many of these men's wives agree with you.
We'll call it expoundin Cecil. How's that sound? It was nice to meet you and your lovely bride. Thank you all for the greetings.
zephyr said:
We'll call it expounding Cecil. How's that sound?

Slightly dangerous. Like the first part of the word is "ex", which means "outside", and the rest of the word is taken up with "pounding". Which leads us back to "crushing". Which leads to "kicking and screaming". Which doesn't sound like fun. :lol:

BTW, my Mrs. Pussycat would like to know if you could use soup drops from time to time, too. ;)
Welcome Zephyr. To be in the loving hands of our God, even when being molded (I am sure this is a mild word for what you are going through), is by far the best place to be. Trust the potter and rejoice in His personal care for you. You are in our prayers.
