I personally see several different stages within the whole "honeymoon phase:" You've got the courtship phase, when everyone is just spending a lot of time together and developing a close bond, then you've got the initial time after the husband and new spouse are actually having sex, and everyone trying to sort the new feelings and emotions they feel about that. Then, depending upon the living situations, and whether everyone is living under one roof or two or more, there is the settling in phase, including winning the respect of any children involved.
As for my family, we are still in the honeymoon phase that takes place immediately following the wedding, and helping the children adjust. We are unable to combine under one roof at this time, so that makes it a bit more complicated, believe it or not! But we've only been a real poly family for just two weeks, so of course we've still got a ways to go yet.
One thing that does really help with establishing a sense of "one-ness" and unity, is that we've been able to have dinner together three or four nights a week, on average, so that's really nice.